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doesnt look to be the athlon3400+ killer ;) so the rumors were true its slower than the northwood in alot of test

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All I can say is... pwned


This makes me happy to see... The price on the "c" series will drop and you can still get better perf out of them then the prescott seems to put out (in a non-oced state)...


Gotta love it! My 3200+ owned the prescott in pretty much all gaming benches and the PC stats didn't test the 3000+ but as far as other benches are concerned they are way close... Nothing like real-life gaming benches to stick a big one to Intel...

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I've seen the 3.4 Northwood for just North of $400 on Newegg and ZipZoomFly. Guess I'll stick with my Northwood core and wait till the prices of the 3.4 go down....

Edited by Tempesta

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Prices are supposed to drop on the "c" series 16 - 33%..... :D


As far as the "Prescott" with the extended pipelines i wouldnt bother on getting one till they come out with a 3.6 / 3.8 (that will be a new socket on a new board to o/c on... then the #'s will show....)

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Again we are seeing the same thing between P4's and Athlons as we once did when they both first hit the shelves 3-4 years ago. If you want gaming, go with AMD. If you want a workhouse for productivity, go Intel.

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I beg to differ here... It is meant to compete with 64 bit CPU's because when you compare you are looking at a price/perf angle... If you DID compare the competing product in price range (athlon 64 to prescott) we see it, the AMD's are winning (as stated prior in non-oced state)


It's also meant to compete because athlon 64's not only run in 64 bit mode, but also in 32... so they are on the same playing field... so they can be compared as rivals in the 32 bit performance market. If you see how my logic is flawed please let me know...

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