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Unnofficial OCC "Pay it Forward" Contest 2!


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does it matter that one "f" is capital and the other isn't? That's whats really bothering me! I have wasted probably 3 hours total trying everything under the sun for this thing. I know its going to be something so easy and I will feel like a complete idiot.

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I went 3 down, 3 up, 1 left, 1 right, and all combinations thereof for each letter.

Even went through ASCII and ANSI versions of each keyboard, placed MY keyboard into the 153 swedish setting and tested stuff and just got that.


Hell I even rigged a decoder based on the Cipher and went from -23 to +24 shifts and still did not get it.


Then I asked yahoo answers lol.


And got nothing, hell my girlfriend who loves codes and ciphers and the like even sat here stumped at it.



Took the F5 key and the spacebar into account and figured that F5 is 5 keys away from the spacebar and the spacebar on my macbook is 5 keys long that it had something to do with that, tried all combinations of that and am still stumped. At this point I've forfeited (got caught looking for help) and I just want to know the (*$_*#(*ing answer!


Well I'm glad I haven't put that much thought into it. But I really have no idea what the hint about F5 and Space has to do with anything. I think medbor is just screwing with us. There is no solution!



does it matter that one "f" is capital and the other isn't? That's whats really bothering me! I have wasted probably 3 hours total trying everything under the sun for this thing. I know its going to be something so easy and I will feel like a complete idiot.


I assume the first F is capitalized because that's the first letter of the first word of the sentence.

Edited by malmsteenisgod

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Well I'm glad I haven't put that much thought into it. But I really have no idea what the hint about F5 and Space has to do with anything. I think medbor is just screwing with us. There is no solution!





I assume the first F is capitalized because that's the first letter of the first word of the sentence.

Then why is it by itself?


I'm stumped so i am going to throw my idea out for anyone to work with. It is a cesarean cipher in which F5=Space or Space=F5. From the clue about there being more than one way to type on a keyboard i assume that he means backwards or vertically down or vertically up. I just havent got it exactly yet.

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Then why is it by itself?



I probably haven't looked at it as much as the rest of you, but I was under the assumption that if you were to shift the keys, lets say to the right 3 keys, then tab becomes E, making that little section of F[Tab]o a three letter word.

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I probably haven't looked at it as much as the rest of you, but I was under the assumption that if you were to shift the keys, lets say to the right 3 keys, then tab becomes E, making that little section of F[Tab]o a three letter word.

:pfp: I forgot that.

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Ok, is there a reason why there are some blue and some green letters in this? Maybe I've just been looking at it for so long that I'm just seeing things.


I see that too.

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