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What are you guys getting out of the 5850?

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I would love to clock mine further but first im interested in some of your experiences and the clocks you achieve, also Is it possible to clock it so high it wont automatically recover? Im currently running it 765/1075 (725/1000 stock) and I saw great return as it is the current bottleneck in my rig so I want to push it farther. I own an XFX Radeon 5850.

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Every gpu is different so you can't really get a real answer. The only way to find out what your max clocks are is to actually sit ur butt down and test.


Overclocking is pretty safe these days so it's hard to fry any part. Gotta be careful if you're bios flashing though.

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I have 4 x Asus EAH DirectCu HD 5850's in quad crossfireX clocked at 1005Mhz core 1215Mhz mem

They are actually clocked beyond 5870 specs, or more accurately, 5870 production. I am convinced that Asus and MSI get the "pick of the binning" process. Getting four of them to run over the 1Ghz mark in crossfire is extraordinary.

Edited by red1776

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Thanks guys, I've done a bit of clocking on it but I'm having heat issues from the rest of the system running warm so I haven't pushed it. I figured if what you guys had to say was good then I would wait the week to get a new cooler for it and begin. That review is actually about my video card you guys rock!! BTW im from mass too :D

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Cool, what part of Mass? Btw, welcome to OCC.


What kind of case do you have? If you're getting heat trapped in your case, you might not need to worry about a new cooler, but instead figure out better airflow for your case.

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I live in western mass in the hills. I have a tiny crappy case, can't really afford a new one so I took a lot of time to ensure that all the wires were hidden away and i was getting good flow. I still desperately need to find a new case and cooler. It would be a lot easier if I could find a pc shop to work in :(.

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I truly agree with El, it is how u manage your heat, whether it be by the cpu or by your gpu. I've had cases from small to large, and I've learned to manage the heat that's going around the case. Why not give it a try and manage the heat output by having fans in from the front and out the back or the top of your case, it will also matter how your cpu's fan or fans are situated. Then see if you really need a new cooler for your gpu. For what its worth, I've hade XFX gpu's in the past and the coolers always performed great for me, I still have my XFX 8800gtx and I have it on my current net system. This thing is so hard/soft modded, bios modded, that it looks more like a cyborg gpu lol, soldered pots and trim pots on it too.

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I live in western mass in the hills. I have a tiny crappy case, can't really afford a new one so I took a lot of time to ensure that all the wires were hidden away and i was getting good flow. I still desperately need to find a new case and cooler. It would be a lot easier if I could find a pc shop to work in :(.



Then better ^^ Mod the case and overclock to your heart contents :P and good luck

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My biggest problem is that my north bridge literally blows its heat against the back of the videocard. I've been considering putting something in the way to block it. You guys are totally right about the case i really do need to get a better one but that's a few weeks out so I might recruit a little cardboard to help :D.

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You should have at least a fan in the front of the case and one in the back for good airflow. If you have a fan on your north bridge, then I suggest removing in and changing it with an aftermarket copper heatsink. NB's don't need super cooling.

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