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ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB3 / 1090T OC help

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ok so I have a ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB3, a 1090t using ADATA DDR3 1600G (2x 2GB) I have managed to get it to 3.9 GHz and it will run Prime95 for 9 hours then the last core fails and the others just keep going. I am happy with that for now since I will never run 100% CPU like that very often. I don't know what to change to get it more stable and or stable at 4GHz + which is what I want.


My Temp at full load is arround 40c plus or minus a few numbers, so temp really isn't an issue.


Here are my settings I have so far. Not sure if I need to change some or if I even changed the right ones, and before you ask/say anything I have read Dolk's Guide but I still don't understand some of the things I am suposed to change.


CPU Ratio: 19.5

Turbo Core: disabled

CPU Bus Freq: 100

PCIE Freq: 100

DRAM Freq: 1600MHz

CPU/NB Freq: 2200MHz

HT Link Speed: 400MHz


Only Voltage I changed was DRAM, I increased it to 1.6 (ADATA says it is 1.5-1.7)


CPU Offset Volt: 1.368

CPU/NB Offset Volt: 1.250

CPU VDDA Volt: 2.500

DRAM Volt: 1.603

HT Volt: 1.203

NB Volt: 1.290

NB 1.8v Volt: 1.800

SB Volt: 1.1

SidePort Mem Volt: 1.500


CPU Load-Line Calibration: AUTO

CPU/NB Load-Line: AUTO

CPU Spread Spectrum: AUTO

PCIE Spread SPectrum: AUTO


So now what, I don't know what to change to make my current OC more stable, and I don't know what to do to make it 4GHz or higher. :dunno:

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So now what, I don't know what to change to make my current OC more stable, and I don't know what to do to make it 4GHz or higher. :dunno:



So i am curious about this set up you have. i am ordering a bunch of parts and they are all (number wise) the same, and i have the same goal as you stable 4.0+. I am wondering, what cooling unit are you using or what you recommend.

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So i am curious about this set up you have. i am ordering a bunch of parts and they are all (number wise) the same, and i have the same goal as you stable 4.0+. I am wondering, what cooling unit are you using or what you recommend.


I have a Corsiar A70 and I have good luck with it, but you need to have the room for it as it is HUGE! if you don't have the room then get a Liquid Cooling unit. Read my signature and it tells you what all I have.


up the voltage on the cpu for a start..did u over clock the ram?? if not.. then why raise the voltage?? only raise it if uve overclocked it otherwise theyll just run a lil hotter for no real reason


I encreased the voltage because although it rates at 1600 it always detects at 1333 so I forced it to 1600 and raised the voltage. Ok so if I up the CPU voltage which one do I up? CPU voltage is listed in several spots, a total of 3 places on the things I posted origonally. And then how high do I start.

Edited by acpowell

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ok I figured it out, I am at 4GHz now with 1.4v on the CPU core. And after some reading I enabled CPU Load Line Calibration and reduced my DRAM Voltage to auto.

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Why is your HT Link speed so low. Should be around 2000MHz.


If you raise your CPU/NB freq it can benefit performance. As close to 3000MHz as possible. May need to up the CPU/NB volts to around 1.3-1.35

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Why is your HT Link speed so low. Should be around 2000MHz.


If you raise your CPU/NB freq it can benefit performance. As close to 3000MHz as possible. May need to up the CPU/NB volts to around 1.3-1.35



hmm I dono, I was honestly thinking on putting it back to AUTO since I think the only thing that really helped me was CPU voltage increase.

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well then. i guess here are the updates that i was looking for. i posted a few minutes ago in a different thread where you and james91 were saying you were having difficulties. hereis what build i will be working on but yeah makes me feel not so nervous now.

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well then. i guess here are the updates that i was looking for. i posted a few minutes ago in a different thread where you and james91 were saying you were having difficulties. hereis what build i will be working on but yeah makes me feel not so nervous now.


hahahaha you sound like you are adopting a child. It is fine. I have mine running at 4Ghz and it has been runing great now. You just need to take your time and everything will work out. You just need to start with Dolk's guide then ask here for more questions. :cheers:

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So my computer has been Blue screening about once a night for the past couple days, and I believe it is because of the over clock. Upon Googling the file win32k.sys, seems like memory could be the issue, so I changed it from forcing to 1600 back to auto which changed it to 1333 which also brought the voltage down from 1.8, which I believe is higher than recomended by ADATA to like 1.5 I believe. I also bumped up my CPU voltage to 1.41 from just 1.4 to see if that would help. Will know more tonight but just seeing if anyone had any other thoughts.

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