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Another Contest Starting on Sunday Night


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This is the point that worries me. It's after 250 that it becomes more dangerous to wait on others to post than to post early. Still, I intend to wait a while.


Edit: Hang on, how did you get 265 numbers left? I came up with about 290 left. Is anyone else concerned that the number difference can be that large? I think this really shows that all the double posting and reposting has really made things off track. I mean that's a 25 number difference between our lists, that's a lot of room for error.

Edited by Deathmineral

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Edit: Hang on, how did you get 265 numbers left? I came up with about 290 left. Is anyone else concerned that the number difference can be that large? I think this really shows that all the double posting and reposting has really made things off track. I mean that's a 25 number difference between our lists, that's a lot of room for error.


I have 277 numbers remaining and I thought I'd been keeping track pretty well.


Edit: Maybe you've been including numbers that were repeated? I put mine in a spread sheet, ordered them, and removed the ones that were repeated.

Edited by malmsteenisgod

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I have 277 numbers remaining and I thought I'd been keeping track pretty well.


Edit: Maybe you've been including numbers that were repeated? I put mine in a spread sheet, ordered them, and removed the ones that were repeated.

I don't have repeats. In fact, that wouldn't make sense because if you have 277 and he has 265 and I have 290, that means you guys have more numbers written down than I do. I think that's especially bad considering that I knowingly have numbers that probably haven't been seen by bosco. Currently I have two different lists, I have one that shows all the numbers in the order they were posted, then another list that shows all the numbers ordered numerically. On the first list I do have all the repeats down, and on the second list I don't have the repeats down, I use the second list to determine how many numbers are left.

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A word to the wise, the printable version (from the download link) only gets updated once daily. (as far as I can see.)


For example, the newest post I see on it now is from 11AM.

Edited by Locutus

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I've decided it's no longer of any use trying to tell people they are repeating numbers. There are already....6 repeats this round.


Well considering they're not allowed to change because it has already been posted, then there's no point in telling them anyways.

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Well considering they're not allowed to change because it has already been posted, then there's no point in telling them anyways.



I know someone else said this earlier but I feel like saying it myself anyway.


It might sound mean but I think that if they can't be bothered to put in 10 minutes of work, or even read the rules, they don't deserve this drive anyway. The ones here that are keeping track of numbers and not reposting numbers are doing what bosco asked of them in the first place, and those people shouldn't have to correct and baby sit lazy people that can't follow the rules.

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It is actually quite easy even if you dont want to track numbers. This has already been said but;

Hit download page.

Select printer friendly.

Ctrl-F type your number hit enter.

Voila if your number is already picked it will come up, if not go post it quick.


I hope bosco will if the winning number is double posted, find the first instance of it.

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It is actually quite easy even if you dont want to track numbers. This has already been said but;

Hit download page.

Select printer friendly.

Ctrl-F type your number hit enter.

Voila if your number is already picked it will come up, if not go post it quick.


I hope bosco will if the winning number is double posted, find the first instance of it.

I'm not familiar with that method but do pay attention to what Locutus said if you do use it because he reposted a number using that method.

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