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Can't clock AMD 965 past 3.6 - help please!


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AMD X4 965

Gigabyte GA-MA790FXT-UD5P

Corsair XMS3 10600 4x2GB

Xion 1000W

Gigabyte HD6850


OCC did a review of the X4 965 last year and came up with some promising results: http://www.overclockersclub.com/reviews/phenomii_965/3.htm


My RAM is 1333 whereas OCC used 1600 - exact same name & brand though.


I tried the exact same settings as the link above and got almost exactly the same result on my CPU-Z - for a few seconds. Voltage 1.52 Core multilplier x18.5 Core Frequency 211MHz = 3.89 GHz on my system.

I'm surprised my system even booted and/or stayed on long enough for me to get the results.

Crash crash crash.


Multiplier at x18.5 tested 1.42v to 1.52v - system won't start.

Frequency set to anything other than 200 MHz - system won't start.

I don't know how I got my system to ever even boot to show me the 3.89 GHz with the OCC settings because I sure can't do it again.

It seems I can't change any setting other than voltages (except for multiplier from x17 to x18) at all or I get blue screened.


There's only so many applicable settings in BIOS. Any suggestions?

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Our 1st big problem with helping you out here....we have no idea what cpu cooler you are using! If you are using the stock AMD cooler that came with your 965, then that probably explains everything! If you are not using the stock cooler, what cooler are you using?

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There's only so many applicable settings in BIOS. Any suggestions?


Heres what settings I keep track of when overclocking AM3. Give us your info like I have in my sample below and the parts you are using (especially mobo, ram and CPU cooler) and the temps you are getting and we can assist a whole lot better.


CPU Phenom II 555 BE (3 cores, 1,2,3)

CPU Ratio: 15.0

CPU Bus Frequency: 270

CPU Freq: 4050MHz

PCIE Freq: 100

DRAM Freq: 1800Mhz

DRAM Timings: 7- 9 - 7 - 24 - 34 - 1T

CPU/NB Freq: 2700Mhz

HT link Speed: 2430Mhz

CPU Voltage: 1.4906v

CPU/NB Voltage: 1.3500v

CPU VDDA Voltage: 2.6000v

DRAM Volt: 1.6500v

HT Voltage: 1.3000v

NB voltage: 1.200v

NB 1.8 Voltage: 1.800v

SB Voltage: 1.100v


CPU Load-line Calibration: Enabled

CPU/NB Load-line Calibration: Enabled

CPU Spread Spectrum: Disabled

PCIE Spread Spectrum: Disabled

Edited by dihartnell

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i have the same setup as u except for gfx card and psu but that doesnt affect the OC. the cpu cooler is going to determine on how far u can OC it. if u have the stock amd cooler then stop ocing until u get a new cooler.

Edited by insan3

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Wow, thanks for all the replies fellas. My cpu cooler is the Hydro H50 with an upgraded fan (2000 rpm) and my system specs are in my first post.

I am kinda new to this but I from what I understand, it should be as easy as bumping the voltage(s) and multiplier up but like I said, if I push the multiplier past x18 (x18.5, x19) with the voltage at 1.52, the system blue screens.

I'll try bumping the NB and VID voltages. I'll try some stuff and come back with some numbers.

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I think you are forgetting the speed of your ram. You have ram rated @ 1333 MHz. If you have this particular model http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145279&cm_re=Corsair_XMS3_10666-_-20-145-279-_-Product then they are rated at 1.5v. Bumping them up to 1.65v is going to be awfully warm, plus I don't think those are going to be capable at running 1800MHz. I would suggest running your DRAM frequency as near as possible to stock speed and stock timings. Cuz everything else your doing looks good.

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Okay here's my BIOS Gigabyte GA-MA790FXT-UD5P


CPU Clock Ratio [17.5] 3500 MHz

CPU Northbridge Frequency [AUTO] 2000 MHz - choices are auto, x5 to x20

CPU Frequency (MHz) [200]

PCIe Clock (MHz) [100]

HT Link Width [AUTO] - choices are auto, 8 bit, 16 bit

HT Link Frequency [AUTO] 2000 MHz - choices are auto, x1 to x13

Memory Clock [x6.66] 1333 MHz 9-9-9-24 2T

DDR3 Voltage Control [NORMAL] 1.6v

NB Voltage Control [NORMAL] 1.1v

SB/HT Voltage Control [NORMAL] 1.2v

NB/PCIe/PLL Voltage Control [NORMAL] 1.8v

DDR VTT Voltage Control [NORMAL] 0.8v

CPU NB VID Control [+0.05v] 1.15v

CPU Voltage Control [+0.10v] 1.52v


At this very moment I am running Prime95 Torture Test (large FFTs) and SpeedFan is indicating the following temps:

Temp 1 38c

Temp 2 51c

Temp 3 54c

Core 52c


Yikes! Shut her down! Prime95 is off. How long do you run this test for? Am I doing the right thing here?

I'm starting to think that this Hydro H50 isn't doing a very good job. I may have to re-seat it - when I installed it I used the factory grease that was on the cooler. I did buy a tube, though, but could this be a potential overheating problem?


Notice my CPU Clock Ratio is only 17.5? That's because if I increase it past 17.5 my system blue screens on exiting the BIOS. Yesterday it was running ok at x18. Now Windows won't even initialize before I get blue screened.


All of my settings are stock except the Clock Ratio which is normally 17 and the two voltages.


This is very disappointing. I am gaining an overall performance increase of about 3%. If I try to push it further (x18 or greater) I get a blue screen flash and my system restarts.


I am new to overclocking but I'm not stupid either. But, it also seems like I only have one option in my BIOS. And that is to change the multiplier from x17 to x17.5.


And this is what I don't get. 3 days ago I set the multiplier to x18.5 and the CPU Frequency to 211 MHz and the CPU Voltage Control was set to 1.52v. I got these values from an OCC Review of the AMD X4 965 BE - and coincidentally they also used the same motherboard as mine - just different RAM - they used 1600 MHz Corsair and I'm using 1333 MHz Corsair (http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/PID-MX23994(ME).aspx). And their CPU-Z Value was 3.9 GHz.

And my system booted and I ran CPU-Z and it said 3.89GHz. And then blue screen crash.


Now I can't adjust the CPU Frequency to anything other than 200 MHz and I can't adjust the multiplier past one notch up from stock.


Yesterday I was running at x18 3.6 GHz no problem. Now I'm down to 3.5.

I'm almost starting to wonder if I actually saw my computer at 3.9 GHz or was just dreaming.

Edited by wowdoggy954

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what revision is your cpu, it has to be c3 if you want to go any higher than 3.6 thats the wall c2 hits, post a screen shot of cpuz


Um, it says RB-C2. Just like this one: http://www.overclockersclub.com/reviews/phenomii_965/images/965_oc.htm


It is running at 3.9 GHz. I had mine at that...briefly.

Edited by wowdoggy954

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i think you should lower your ram to 1066 in the bios from 1333 to make sure its not whats flaking out. if that fixes it then you must focus on the ram. post back

Edited by ocre

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