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When to Start Overclocking


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Hey, thank you for you're reply! this definitely helped me out with comparing my temperatures.


i had never used the stock intel cooler. I got the H50 right when i built my computer cause i knew i wanted to OC.


i plugged my pump into the PWR_fan pins and am getting about just below 1400 RPM.


I think i will reseat my headsink and see what happens.


do you happen to know how i should do it? (spread it all over the cpu? place a circle in the middle? etc etc.)






The application method really depends on the TIM used, and the surface of the cooler. Below is a link to a pretty good review about not only application, but TIM comparisons as well! A pea-sized dot in the middle of the cpu, and using downward force on your cooler is one of the most widely used application methods, but not the only way! many people also like the 2 thin line method as well. If I were you with the H50, I would try the pea-sized dot in the middle 1st and go from there! But, I can tell you that I have used a lot of thermal paste, just to remove the cooler and see how the coverage was! It is really something that you find a way you like, and stick with it! For a flat cooler surface the pea-sized dot seems to work quite well, but you really have to have the right amount of TIM on the cpu and right in the center as well!



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Hey everyone,


Thanks for your input. I reseat the cooler and it doesnt seem to have much affect (yet at least--i may have to wait for it to cure).


Maybe I am overclocking wrong? when i overclocked to 3.8GHz, i changed the Vcore to 1.28V (if i go any lower it will black out my system). i left turbo on, and HT on.

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I just thought of something. When you installed the h50 did you remove the stock paste, 2 layers of paste could definitely muck it up. And when you reseated did you remove all traces of the last coat from both the h50 and the cpu, w/ rubbing alcohol or some other solvent?

Now those are probably dumb questions but i thought i would check just in case. And if you did neglect that, i am not saying your dumb or anything. :cheers:

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Hey everyone,


Thanks for your input. I reseat the cooler and it doesnt seem to have much affect (yet at least--i may have to wait for it to cure).


Maybe I am overclocking wrong? when i overclocked to 3.8GHz, i changed the Vcore to 1.28V (if i go any lower it will black out my system). i left turbo on, and HT on.

That looks fine to me, nothing wrong with that. However it is advisable to turn the Turbo off, it can cause instability at more than stock clocks. Most of the time the turbo function itself just stops working.

I am with SpeedCrazy, if you didn't remove the stock paste it could cause the heat problems you are seeing. I can't think of anything else. Can you take a picture of your set up, and what your cpu looks like right after you pull the heatsink off, leave the thermal paste on so we can see what kind of contact it is getting with the cooler. What kind of case are you using? how do you have it set up? We need details.


This is pretty much it, you should set your overclock to stock settings until you get your temps where they should be.

It might be RMA time.

Edited by gabrieltessin

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I just thought of something. When you installed the h50 did you remove the stock paste, 2 layers of paste could definitely muck it up. And when you reseated did you remove all traces of the last coat from both the h50 and the cpu, w/ rubbing alcohol or some other solvent?

Now those are probably dumb questions but i thought i would check just in case. And if you did neglect that, i am not saying your dumb or anything. :cheers:



haha, no problem--this is my first computer. But yeah, i definitely removed it with rubbing alcohol and a lint-free cloth--making sure every bit was off.

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I definitely appreciate the help.


Unfortunately, I couldnt take a picture of my computer while reseating the pump because I did it before this--but here is my computer.


my case is the NZXT Hush.


The right side is the front--it has one fan at the bottom as an intake--this is the corsair fan that came with my H50.


The fan in the middle (antec spot cool) is for my NB.


on the left is my H50 acting as an exhaust with the push and pull method with 2 scythe fans.


when i reseated my pump, i utilized the dot method (put a dot--maybe half the size of a pea--of AS5).


im coming to the conclusion that it may be my case because there isnt much airflow. the only problem is that when i run it open case--i still get a system temp of 45c--even when it is about 23c in my room.


Also, I do not like Corsair customer service, i emailed them this:


"I currently have an H50 and after doing some research and talking through forums, I concluded that my CPU temperatures are too high. I reseated the pump with AS5 and still get high temperatures.

Running Prime 95, I get temperatures of around 85c stock on my i7-930, and overclocked to 3.8, i get temperatures of 95c on a decently cool room.


In addition, my idle temperatures are around 43c.




and CORSAIR replied with:


"We are sorry but the temperature you are getting are well within the range for this CPU."


I think this is ridiculous in the fact that just because it is within the 105c maximum temp, they are not willing to provide any aid.


I may think twice about buying corsair products now just cause this reason.


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Well I suppose unless you prove it's a fault of the cooler / pump, they won't replace it. See what the temps are with the stock cooler first. If they're lower, then it's either a TIM problem or it's the pump.


EDIT: wow ninja'd to oblivion

Edited by NearlyEpic

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I will definitely try the stock cooler when i have some time.


So i OC'd my system to 3.8GHz and turned OFF turbo. I ran Intel Burn Test (last time i ran this, it gave me higher temps than Prime95), and my cores averaged about 85c, it sometimes would peak to 90c. While my CPU never got above 85c, it got to maybe 84c at some points. this is definitely an improvement over last time where my temps hit 95c on the IntelBurnTest.


It is also a fairly warm day outside (28c) and i have no air conditioner on (only a fan in my room). the ambient temp inside my case says 50c.


overall, at least it did better than 95c.


do you guys think it has to do with me turning off turbo? in addition, my CPU is idling at 50c right now as i write this and my system temp says 50c.


What do you guys think?


Thanks for your input again!

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I have a theory, open up CPUz and run Intel Burn Test or Prime95. Watch your vCore voltages before and after you start a stress test and awhile running it keep an eye on any changes.

If your voltage goes up significantly the motherboard may be overcompensating for vDroop.


Vdroop is when vCore voltages drop under processor load because off the increased demand for power. Sometimes the motherboard can overcompensate and cause a processor to run too hot. It should be called Load Line Calibration or something similar in your BIOS.


If this appears to be the case you might want to try turning it off and watching your voltage levels when you do a stress test. If the voltage drop isn't a lot or the system still runs stable you might be able to get a nice drop in temps.


Could you post a screenshot of your CPUz with both CPU and Memory tabs open so we can get a full picture of what might be happening?

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Thanks again for all your help at looking at my specifications.


So, I took 3 screenshots--idle, a few seconds into running Prime95 (in-place large FFTs), and 5 minutes.


So its 28c where I live right now, and I do not have any air conditioning on. im also in a pretty small room for 2 with the windows open.


my computer is on the carpet on the ground.


also, when overclocking to 3.8 GHz. What i changed was:


-changed CPU ratio setting to 21

-disabled turbo

-BCLK frequency to 181

-DRAM frequency to 1451MHz

-DRAM CAS# latency: 8 DRAM clock

-DRAM RAS# to CAS# delay: 8 DRAM clock

-DRAM RAS# PRE time: 8 DRAM clock

-DRAM RAS# ACT time: 24 DRAM clock

-CPU VOLTAGE: 1.28125 V

-DRAM Bus V: 1.55 V

and Load-line calibration is enabled.


Uncore voltage also went up to 1.375 (i dont remember changing this).


thanks again for your help


let me know if i should change anything. (also, i tried to decrease the CPU voltage, but anything lower will lock and restart my computer).






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