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GTX470 Overheated?


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Hello, I bought a new videocard last week on a normal/regular game computer the Geforce GTX 470 on the computer from Acer the Aspire m7711. My problem is that I cannot believe that this card is getting upon a tempature form nearly 92c... Isnt that abit overflowed for this kind of videocard, I mean it only happens when I play COD MW1, this is a game that does not recuire any high specs or so.. I dont get it..


<script src='http://img41.imageshack.us/shareable/?i=heatb.jpg&p=tl' type='text/javascript'></script><noscript>heatb.jpg</noscript>


I hope someone could ive any more information


Edited by Sebs

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92 C isn't anything out of the norm for that card.


so you are saying that 92 C is normal for the GTX 470 I got? It isnt normal imo, 92 C that is alot tho... I am worried that It'll destroy it self or so...

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If you look closely at your pic of HWM it has three columns column 1 is value(the temp the card is at) #2 is min (the lowest it has been) #3 is max (the highest the card has been at) so you are fine its running at 57C. Now did you take this pic when you thought it was overheating or at idle?

If the first, you are absolutely fine, if the later then i dont have clue. :teehee:


EDIT: just realized that its not HWM, what software is that. Cause my (win7-64) system info doesn't have all that info.

Edited by SpeedCrazy

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so you are saying that 92 C is normal for the GTX 470 I got? It isnt normal imo, 92 C that is alot tho... I am worried that It'll destroy it self or so...

92 C is perfectly normal. It's nothing to worry about and it won't shorten the life of your card by any measurable amount.


See any review of the GTX 470 for reference. Here's one: http://www.guru3d.com/article/geforce-gtx-470-480-review/13

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One thing to worry about is that if your case has inadequate cooling, that hot GPU is going to keep inside your case and warm up your other components, like your PSU, CPU, motherboard, RAM, and Hard Drives.

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Hmm, Well if everyone says that this tempature wont harm the computer I can trust that hopefulle, the website idd hows the same heat I got, either or normal temp's and on playing moments.


Thanks everyone

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