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UPDATE!: My 360. (Fixed 9/17/10)


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to SenitaL i'm proof it does work and i and a stack of 360 that are working that people have giving me over time thinking its junk. its true that if you have seal/warranty or have the $50-100 to spare sure get it fixed from M$ but for $5 and its going in the trash anyways no harm in trying or giving it to me :)


while it true that can go bad again (i;ve seen it) i really only had 1 that wouldn't stay fixed. i usually lend them out to friend and 1 has been on for a week straight with no problem. the rest is only on for a few hours at a time so i can't compare. the other trick that do for all my xboxs is get electric tape and close the gab from the heatsink and the fan (is amazing airfow!)



this is the xbox i was yesterday fixing. its works perfectly fine all day playing Halo Reach campaign. only the test of time will tell but the point was to should the tape, it really has an effect on keeping it cool + the AS5



Edited by hornybluecow

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Sigh, i suppose you guys are right, but my latest unit (elite jasper core) is in pieces in a box i labeled RIP (rot in pieces) Sh*tbox 360 ( hey i was uber pissed! :lol: ) and it begs to disagree. The first two xbox's i had i successfully fixed and sold on, but this one .. it doesn't even boot up now the GPU (or CPU) got completely frizzled, all i get from it is a black screen for a second then it shuts down :glare:


I've since canceled my gold membership and given up on this piece of trash hardware, i was thinking to get a slim PS3 because of the blu-ray and no online fees, but i hear Sony are thinking to charge too, so i've been without a console for a while now. My trusty PC soldiers on! it would have been nice to have Halo Reach to play with though because theres a serious lack of new PC games out :cry:


Also i did the same thing with the black tape as you to seal off the gaps which the guide has, except i chose to use spare bits of aluminum fins from an old GPU and only apply the black tape to the plastic so as not to potentially melt anything lol. Theres also a really cool (pun intended) kit i used on my previous Xbox and it served me well: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/XBOX-360-HIGH-SPEED-AIR-COOLER-V2-FAN-XCM-COOLS-CPU-GPU-/300432113860?pt=UK_VideoGames_VideoGameAccessories_VideoGameAccessories_JN&hash=item45f32640c4

Edited by SenitaL

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I still have not cracked open the case yet. I am waiting on the X-Clamp parts to arrive.


Hopefully they will be here Friday. I am not too worried about it. If I break it or it does not fix it. I am building a HTPC.


I do not understand this Burn-In process though.. Why am I heating up the GPU?


In all the tutorials I read about it. I do not have the 3 LEDS lit up. So I don't think I am going to attempt the Burn-in Process.

I think the GPU is just overheating right now. It could possibly be just due to the heatsink being covered in Dust too for all I know.

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I still have not cracked open the case yet. I am waiting on the X-Clamp parts to arrive.


Hopefully they will be here Friday. I am not too worried about it. If I break it or it does not fix it. I am building a HTPC.


I do not understand this Burn-In process though.. Why am I heating up the GPU?


In all the tutorials I read about it. I do not have the 3 LEDS lit up. So I don't think I am going to attempt the Burn-in Process.

I think the GPU is just overheating right now. It could possibly be just due to the heatsink being covered in Dust too for all I know.


You should be good if you replace the xclamps with screws and washers metal and nylon ive done a load of xclamp replacements for other ppl and myself. i have a 1st gen original release arcade 360 and its still going strong. If you do the repair correctly you wont have an issue again just make sure you clean off all the thermal compound and replace it with new and that you clean out all the dust and especialy clean the fan blades that will improve airflow no end and a cool xbox is a happy xbox :thumbsup:

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the whole point of hairdyer or heating up the GPU without cooling it is to melt the solder and have the balls underneath mesh together again. while i do both (hairdyer than just overheating the gpu) you can sometimes only do one of the other can do the trick.


in theory the whole reason xboxs get the RROD or E74 is the solder is cracking from the board warping under heat. you can properly reball it but thats like $$$. youtube "Reballing". I know you said you dont have the red lights but because the screens going all wacky your are 1 step away from E74 (2 leds). usually you would see the picture issue once than the next time it would give you the lights (i guess your unlucky).



i also didn't think of that but if you have 1st gen xbox it may be just overheating. of course if it continues the 2leds will show.

Edited by hornybluecow

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Try the towel trick LAWL. When they first came out... that's all there was.... i tell ya... we left that thing on for hours... the excitement faded... then reality hit. The towels just don't do it! At least not for me. It's in a box somewhere...

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Alright, I did not know about the solder. I will check it out too.

I guess I can always heat it up just in case. I picked up some new fans as well for the Xbox quieter fans that push more CFMs through that crappy little air dam.


Hopefully the screws n crap come in the mail today so I can get this done and watch some tv on my good TV and not my small 20inch LCD computer screen lol!

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good to hear, another 360 saved from the trash bin! did you end up heating it up or just xclamping it?


edit: funny i got the same green fan for the halo edition one i fixed. i the one thing thats iffy is M$ supposedly bans people for changing the fan because the voltage is different which they can tell. but i think its more people end up changing the FW on the dvd drive which is detectable and blame the fan.

Edited by hornybluecow

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