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Hi Everyone, Thanks for reading and I'll appreciate any help please, Firstly I'm really pleased to have found the Club :) I'm new to overclocking, I've recently OC clocked my i7 930 from 2.8 to 4.02 but i know it can do better. I've uped the Multiplier to 22 ( which is as high as the Bios on the X58A-UD3R MoBo will allow me to) and increased the Base Clock (BCLK) to 187. The Voltage is at just under the red @ 1.5750 or something ( just before the numbers go red in the bios) at these settings i get 4.02 out of it, if i go any further with it in either direction voltage or BCLK its unstable and crashes. is this as far as i can go or am i doing it wrong???


Thanks for any suggestions or if you just wanna say hi would be good


Steve H :cheers:

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1.5750 vcore for a 4ghz overclock? I hope you got some serious cooling sitting on top of that chip. I sit around 1.325 vcore for my 4ghz overclock.


What are your temps? How are you testing for stability? Have you tweaked any voltages other than vcore?

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you better turn that voltage down, and lower your overclock, Then you need to go do some research so that you understand, at least a little about OC.



I would agree 1.5 volts without extreme cooling is a big no no in my books. Just curious what are your temps at that voltage?

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Just out of curiosity what are your temps and what are you using for cooling? And is it stable at 4.02? A minimum of 8 hours of Prime95 24 hours for full stability testing.


Thanks for replying Slick, I havent noticed the temps go above 65 C. I havent run Prime95 for that long i've run it for about an hour. I'm not sure exactly what setting i should be running? Please can you let me know? It seems to be running fine but if you say i should run it for longer then i will. just let me know what settings?


Thanks mate

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I would agree 1.5 volts without extreme cooling is a big no no in my books. Just curious what are your temps at that voltage?



Thanks mate, ill put em down!!! seems to run cool though, about 65 C max. I've got a titan fenrir cpu cooler on the i7 930.

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1.5750 vcore for a 4ghz overclock? I hope you got some serious cooling sitting on top of that chip. I sit around 1.325 vcore for my 4ghz overclock.


What are your temps? How are you testing for stability? Have you tweaked any voltages other than vcore?


Thanks for getting back mate, right so i'm running the voltage too high! what else should i be doing? I havent tweeked anything else, I was following a pc magazines how to guide on overclocking and they didnt mention anyother tweeks! Any suggestions would be great, im not going any further with it until ive had some good advice. Thanks

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you better turn that voltage down, and lower your overclock, Then you need to go do some research so that you understand, at least a little about OC.



Ha Ha someone with the same MoBo AND CPU Brilliant :) yeah i have been researching and reading up a bit, I dont think ive pushed it too hard and i wont go any further till ive had some good advice. I see youve got a "PROPER" cooler! how does yours run? what should i be tweeking? As youve got the same set up, apart from cooler. Thanks for your help.

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Ok, im on 173 BCLK 1.35v on the Vcore. And im stable at that. I've got 3.8ghz out of it the moment, ive done an hours test and its ok, i'll leave it now for longer and see what happens when i get back home. @ crazy8s846 what do you run yours at? what settings?

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Ok, im on 173 BCLK 1.35v on the Vcore. And im stable at that. I've got 3.8ghz out of it the moment, ive done an hours test and its ok, i'll leave it now for longer and see what happens when i get back home. @ crazy8s846 what do you run yours at? what settings?

Im just running 3.8 dont figure on going higher till the time comes when i need to, but im only at 1.28 volts and think i could go lower, just have not messed with it. Heres a place for you to go that has alot of info.


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Ha Ha someone with the same MoBo AND CPU Brilliant :) yeah i have been researching and reading up a bit, I dont think ive pushed it too hard and i wont go any further till ive had some good advice. I see youve got a "PROPER" cooler! how does yours run? what should i be tweeking? As youve got the same set up, apart from cooler. Thanks for your help.

dude, you had it at 1.5V on air cooling. That is a little far :P No worries though, as long as you lowered it like you said you did. That guide must have been written by some whack job if the only settings changed were the multi, bus speed (qpi?) and VID.


There is a lot more one can tweak other than just raising the cpu voltage. Do a little more reasearch as to what can be changed and what should be changed.


Also, one hour of P95 is not enough even if for minimal testing. Prime 95 is meant to fully test a system and is best when done for a full 24 hours. Anything under 5 hours of testing you should use something else like OCCT or Linpack.

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