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I have an idea. It's crazy...


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So, I was explaining to my dad how water cooling works in a pc (ironically as we were picking up a vehicle in which the radiator needed replacing.) Suddenly, and idea struck me, mounting a box fan to my case to cool it. I obviously threw this out, as the noise would drive me insane, although it might have worked...\


Anyway, then I thought how cool would it be to mod an A/C unit to run a cooled air loop into my computer so I don't have to spend a ton of money on an after market heatsink.



...And then I realized I have a spare ac unit in the back room, :evilgrin:


So, I think I'm going to do it.


Basically, I'll mod my case and mount a big air hose to my computer to pull air, that runs to a custom shroud on the ac unit over the intake, another custom sealed shroud over the vents blowing the air, with a hose running into the top of the case blowing the air down. It would then get sucked out of the hose in the bottom, etc. etc.


Would this be effective? (it would sure look crazy as hell lol)

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I'm pretty sure that has been done before, I have heard varied success from such configurations as well.


Drat, I guess in this community, I should have known the idea was less than original :blush:

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I have a window AC unit in my bedroom window and I've stuck an open computer case right infont of the events before. It does keep things pretty cool in there, but was pretty inconvenient.


If you want to do something different for cooling, you could try and setup a water cooling system but have the radiator be over the AC vent so that cold air is constantly flowing to it and making the water cold.

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Drat, I guess in this community, I should have known the idea was less than original :blush:

Hey Bubba,, dont get down. I think you should do it and take some pics for posting here for others to see and comment on. You could do the shroud thing and funnel it into a 4 inch, flexible, accordian style hose and channel that into your case. And yes the 60 degree air(or better) you might get from your AC will definately make a difference in your temps. You would learn some things while modding and gain new ideas as well as providing fertiile material for the rest of us to ponder about. JUST DO IT.

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If your going to waste the money running it, make a slush bucket.


I got so caught up in the romance of the idea, I hadn't thought of the power cost haha. If I do do it, I'd probably only run it for benchmarking.

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I got so caught up in the romance of the idea, I hadn't thought of the power cost haha. If I do do it, I'd probably only run it for benchmarking.



Make a slush bucket!!!! For benchies!

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Thats a lot of effort for such a cumbersome and inefficient setup. What you really want is to tie your loop into an AC unit, whether it be a refrigerator or an air conditioner. You would likely have to invert the compressor. Now THAT would be a sweet mod. :)

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