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5870 Or Gtx480

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Good choice :) Let us know some potential choices


I'm thinking one from digital alliance, the one that are "pure" reference. I don't plan to overclock it, because i don't know or scared :blush: lolz

then again, maybe from evga is a good one. But the card's price tag in my country are way too much! $400! oh well, I'm going to make a build log on the forum later.

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Evga is always a great choice, there costumer support is second to none . :cheers:

I'd have to agree, though we don't know if they have a HQ in his country. (and therefore may not have as strong or reliable a service area)

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I've said it before. Turn tessellation on to the max and even a non OC'ed 470 will beat the 5870. Run low tessellation and the 5870 beats the 470. Basically the 5870 is better now but the 470 will be better in the future when all games will use directx11. It's just that simple. Also there's physX but of course you can simply just get an 8800 or something to run with the 5870 (which in case you don't already own one you have more expenses to deal with - cheapest one o found in my country was like 50$)

I agree, but I don't think there's gonna be a lot of games with directx11 in the coming years with the PS3 and xbox360 still using directx10 or whatever, we'll have to wait to the next generetion of consoles and that's gonna be a lot of time. The same with phisyx seems like there's only one game that matters batman arkham asylum , I don't know other good game that uses physx, and still it doesn' change a lot without the physx. that's my point of view anyway. I would wait for the new ati hybrid coming this fall if I want tesseletion something tell me it's gonna rock.

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I agree, but I don't think there's gonna be a lot of games with directx11 in the coming years with the PS3 and xbox360 still using directx10 or whatever, we'll have to wait to the next generetion of consoles and that's gonna be a lot of time. The same with phisyx seems like there's only one game that matters batman arkham asylum , I don't know other good game that uses physx, and still it doesn' change a lot without the physx. that's my point of view anyway. I would wait for the new ati hybrid coming this fall if I want tesseletion something tell me it's gonna rock.

Not even dx10, the consoles run an enhanced version of dx9. Which is the reason dx10 is so vaguely implemented :glare: (Alan Wake is a game was supposed to have an incredible dx10 based lighting engine until they decided last minute that it's a 360 exclusive, so bye bye dx10 and great lighting.)

Mirror's Edge included Physx (I played the game half and half with physx on and off and the game is still fun either way). Also there was the game Cryostasis, which I've never played, but heard it had really bad memory leaks.


Other games haven't used it as heavily as those three, and there hasn't been too much brewing for a new physx heavy title

(also the wikipedia list of current physx games)

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Not even dx10, the consoles run an enhanced version of dx9. Which is the reason dx10 is so vaguely implemented :glare: (Alan Wake is a game was supposed to have an incredible dx10 based lighting engine until they decided last minute that it's a 360 exclusive, so bye bye dx10 and great lighting.)

Mirror's Edge included Physx (I played the game half and half with physx on and off and the game is still fun either way). Also there was the game Cryostasis, which I've never played, but heard it had really bad memory leaks.


Other games haven't used it as heavily as those three, and there hasn't been too much brewing for a new physx heavy title

(also the wikipedia list of current physx games)


Sadly, lots of popular games didn't ported to PC. I mean, we could see some great graphic rendering (HDR, and stuff) :cool2: from pc than from console. Try compare Crysis from PS3 and PC and you'll see the BIG difference :-/


Oh btw, what do you think a GTX 470 from ASUS? or can you suggest? cause i don't want to screw up(my budget is limited, only $500 and you know i can't afford a 480 :cry: ), and i know (don't really know) quality of a product are the one that used(not second hand) and given a good feedback

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Well, i'm stuck between these card. With the cost just about the same (kinda not sure though) and the perfomance about the same too (don't know bout this).

I'm basically a fan of "realistic" image quality with the "addition effect" of the game. Multiple monitor system is a no no because i'm poor.

I'm just about to build a new system. Plz help me choose. I'm going to use this build mostly to gaming, a little rendering graphic like Photoshop etc.

Oh, if you are wondering my system. My sistem is consisting AMD Phenom II X2 555 BE, AMD 890FX Chipset form MSI, 650 watt Thermaltake Toughpower XT(is this enough to juice up 480?), 4 GB RAM from A-Data, and CM 690 II Advanced Case




gtx480 is just too hot and consumes too much power. i would get 5870 just because their manufacturing is more mature, runs cooler and consumes less...while being cheaper. if you do get a gtx480 make sure to get lifetime warranty

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gtx480 is just too hot and consumes too much power. i would get 5870 just because their manufacturing is more mature, runs cooler and consumes less...while being cheaper. if you do get a gtx480 make sure to get lifetime warranty

Dude, i just choose a GTX 470 because all of these nice people give me advice in this case

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From what I've seen so far, PhysX doesn't really improve visuals or performance. I currently have a 8800GS dedicated to PhysX in addition to my current 4870, and I hear that the PhysX only takes load away from the processor in most games. The only games you'll see any better performance will be ones which were specifically designed to utilize it, and the list is short of those (the only one that comes to mind is Batman: Arkham Asylum.)



takes load away from the processor in most games? say it with me "PHYSX ONLY WORK ON GAMES THAT ARE CODED FOR IT. IT HAS ZERO IMPACT ON MOST GAMES!"

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Dude, i just choose a GTX 470 because all of these nice people give me advice in this case



too bad i got here too late. not too familiar with AMD CPU performance levels compared to Intel but for the record that gtx 470 is going to be held back by that AMD cpu unless it performs on the level of a Q9550 in the near future.

if you play BFBC2 you will probably experience your FPS are less with a gtx470 than people with faster quad core cpu's.

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I have a GTX470 and it is fantstic . I can crank up the clock to GTX480 levels and run 80's celsius . I upgraded from a HD5850. Its the best thing I could have bought. The tesselation power is amazing. Im getting a second one later on. ATI really can't compete with tesselation power. I wouldn't wait for the new ATI series GPU's . Nvidias bringing out the dual gpu GF104 chip later which will beat the HD5970. THE GTX470 can beat the HD5870 nahuelcutrera just overclocked . Mine competes with a GTX480 in FPS.




You really can tell the difference between a 5850 and a gtx470 on the games you play without having an FPS counter? because they are at the same performance level. meaning they perform very close to each other. in games released in the last 12 months they'll be within an average of 10 fps on max settings. hardly a reason to "upgrade". it says "guys, look...i spent $350 for 10 more fps!!! awesome!"


when i upgrade i go up at least 3 performance levels. my next card will perform at 5870 level or better. will i tell the difference, hell yeah...i'm be able to max out my favorite game bfbc2 which i can't do now. went from stock p4 3.0/ati x600 to x1950pro to c2d e6750 x1950pro to gts512 g92...in other words went from playing bf2142 on low settings to medium settings to max settings(same card, new cpu) to 90+ fps. now that's performance worth upgrading for.


now i have a q9550 cpu and my gts512 runs bfbc2 ok in medium settings. when i get a new card i will just about max it. waiting for the market to cool though. things are overpriced right now. if i could find an old gtx295 dual gpu card i would get it just because it performs close to gtx480 and should cost almost 200 dollars less.

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takes load away from the processor in most games? say it with me "PHYSX ONLY WORK ON GAMES THAT ARE CODED FOR IT. IT HAS ZERO IMPACT ON MOST GAMES!"



don't use caps lock ... we get it ... you hate physX. Some people appreciate it some don't. Get over it.

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