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Decide Noctua NH D14, Zalman CNPS 10x Extreme, or Corsair H50??


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I'm confused to Noctua NH D14, Zalman CNPS 10x Extreme, or Corsair H50 for my motherboard GA P55A UD6 + 860... which best for the cooling?? i don't care about noise, i juts want to OC 24/7..

I've full tower chassis, but the motherboard have heat sink and the memory have heat spreader... Is there Noctua and Zalman fit on my motherboard???


this is my first post, thanks for help me.

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I'm confused to Noctua NH D14, Zalman CNPS 10x Extreme, or Corsair H50 for my motherboard GA P55A UD6 + 860... which best for the cooling?? i don't care about noise, i juts want to OC 24/7..

I've full tower chassis, but the motherboard have heat sink and the memory have heat spreader... Is there Noctua and Zalman fit on my motherboard???


this is my first post, thanks for help me.



The noctua will probibly give you the best temps and it is on the compatibility list for your board



I'm not sure if there would be a clerance issue with the ram.


The H50 wouldn't have any clerance issues as long as your case has a 120mm rear fan. swap the fan that comes with that unit with a pair of better fans in push/pull config and the temps would be pretty close to the noctua. (you may need to reverse a a few fans, as it gets the best results when it pulls air from outside the case.)


The zalaman i dont know much about, think I read a revew on it a while back and it did ok, though not as good as the other 2..

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If your budget can handle it the D14 is great. The Thermaltake Frio would bee one of your next steps down. The H-50 will perform around the as the Frio but with out the airflow on your motherboard and ram. My vote is for the Noctua in the end though, it is the best cooling solution other custom water cooling loop, the corsair H-50 just can't hang compared to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thx for all reply... i've measured noctua and my rig before buy NH D14, and it's fit enough.... my CPU is ready for OC now... yeah..

An aside as this thread is essentially closed... I have both the D14 and the 10X Extreme, and I'd actually say that latter is the better of the two.


They're about equal to install, but the Zalman wins out on ergos due to it's smaller footprint and the fact that it will essentially fit any board/ram combination. The D14 did not fit with my old Tridents, which is why I bought the 10X - and then of course my RAM died, and I bought regular height Mushkins. Go figure.


On the exact same system, same clocks, same TIM (Noctua), etc, etc, the Zalman is about equal at idle - maybe a degree warmer owing to the automatic fan control, but it's 3-4 degrees cooler at load, with a noticeably better average temp across all cores. And that's with an extra P12 fan on the Noctua (3 fans total).


At idle they're both inaudible over my GTXs, but at load the Zalman is definitely a few dB louder. It's not irritating, and frankly the only time my system is at load it's either running LinX for stability testing or it's gaming - and then the GTX fans spin up and drown out both coolers anyway.


That said, the Zalman is a lot cheaper - $30 less here in Canada ;)

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An aside as this thread is essentially closed... I have both the D14 and the 10X Extreme, and I'd actually say that latter is the better of the two.


They're about equal to install, but the Zalman wins out on ergos due to it's smaller footprint and the fact that it will essentially fit any board/ram combination. The D14 did not fit with my old Tridents, which is why I bought the 10X - and then of course my RAM died, and I bought regular height Mushkins. Go figure.


On the exact same system, same clocks, same TIM (Noctua), etc, etc, the Zalman is about equal at idle - maybe a degree warmer owing to the automatic fan control, but it's 3-4 degrees cooler at load, with a noticeably better average temp across all cores. And that's with an extra P12 fan on the Noctua (3 fans total).


At idle they're both inaudible over my GTXs, but at load the Zalman is definitely a few dB louder. It's not irritating, and frankly the only time my system is at load it's either running LinX for stability testing or it's gaming - and then the GTX fans spin up and drown out both coolers anyway.


That said, the Zalman is a lot cheaper - $30 less here in Canada wink.gif



The Zalman is a bad choice

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