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I just have to fume a bit...


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Hey everybody, long time no post. Anyway, as I'm sure a lot of you are, I've been partaking in some of the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 multiplayer. Well frankly, I'm at my wit's end. My frustrations with the game are as follows:

-It's hard as **** to hit ANYTHING. How does everybody else do it?

-I die. Instantly.

-My guns, they suck! (Really, do you have to wait until you have a bajillion points in a class just to get something that does damage?)

-Nobody else seems to die as quickly as I do. Seriously, I've emptied WHOLE clips into people, and they still haven't died.

-People seem to come at me from every direction but the one I'm looking.

-Grenade launchers. I get flashbacks and night tremors from Call of Duty. I have yet to meet a grenade that hasn't liked killing me. Doesn't anybody miss? Ever?

-Leveling, wow. After I put 20 hours into CoD, I was at least a level 35. I'm about half way through 7. Yep.


I'd just appreciate some tips and feedback, because, the game seems to be generally good, but for some reason I just SUCK at it. Is this just a kind of hump I have to get over? Or do you think I am forever doomed to be the butt of a .50 caliber joke?

Edited by Crow47

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I hope it's just a hump that WE have to get over :)

I can feel your pain because I'm at the same point with that game and experience a lot of the same frustrations as you do. In fact, I've put it away for a while and gone back to COD World at War.


When I've regenerated my patience again I'll give it another go. I know this doesn't help you get "better" at the game, but wanted you to know that you're not the only one who seems to get killed all the time :)

I suck too!

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Thanks, wevvspot! After the simply EXASPERATING experience I just had, you have no idea how reassuring it is to know I'm not the only one. Level 8, here I come!

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-It's hard as **** to hit ANYTHING. How does everybody else do it?

Stop and crouch when you shoot....its not COD so you cant be sprinting and have a 2 inch bullet spread. :)

-I die. Instantly.

Think tactical.....don't run around like a chicken with your head cut off.....

-My guns, they suck! (Really, do you have to wait until you have a bajillion points in a class just to get something that does damage?)

See this post....

-Nobody else seems to die as quickly as I do. Seriously, I've emptied WHOLE clips into people, and they still haven't died.

See above.....

-People seem to come at me from every direction but the one I'm looking.

Play tactically....

-Grenade launchers. I get flashbacks and night tremors from Call of Duty. I have yet to meet a grenade that hasn't liked killing me. Doesn't anybody miss? Ever?

Noob tubes are a super annoyance even to veteran players......it can be frustrating....especially when you find that one guy kills you 4-8 times in one round each time with a grenade or rocket launcher....

-Leveling, wow. After I put 20 hours into CoD, I was at least a level 35. I'm about half way through 7. Yep.

Wait till you get to level 25......the hill gets a LOT steeper from there..


See this thread for in depth tips, experiences and pointers from fellow OCC'ers....



[EDIT] I would add Krazyxazn, T0asty, ReMoose, ShallowBay, Bizzlenitch, killagorilla187, and myself as friends in BC2 and try and hop in with us....you will learn a lot fast if you play with a GOOD squad.

Edited by krazypoloc

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Thanks, krazypoloc. I will definitely take you up on some squad action. I just need some good people I can learn from. The game definitely seems to be more enjoyable when you can kind of work together as a squad, sadly it's hard to really engage in that when you just jump in with a bunch of random people.

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sounds like somebody's being a noob in BC2. Well I gotta admit that the game is different from any other fps I've played, and that's a lot of FPS. I got used to it quite quickly though so maybe it's just the time to adapt to the newness that you need more of. It's easy to avoid grenades. As in cod there is a grenade meter but it's much smaller and if you don't have the grenade on your screen or close to the edge you won't see it. TIP: If you have a good sound system, you'll be able to hear a slight decrease in the game sound...I don't know what it's called but it comes when somebody throws a greande at you and it's about ready to explode. Whenever I hear that sound change, I know it's time to run away and I don't get killed by many nades but they do hurt. If you die often that's because you aren't properly placed on the battlefield. I know cuz that's the easiest kills I get. And I don't mean you should hide urself in the farthest corners of the map either...just be well placed cuz people are just waiting for someone who doesn't know where the hell he is and where he's going to get a kill. Hitting is easy for me once I got used to the hitboxes of the players which aren't quite well placed + you have to consider gravity and distance.

Everybody dies. You just notice it...or maybe they really don't die if you have looked at their score but that's probably cuz they used Medic +M60...you can shoot people from one server to another with that gun if you didn't know that already.


Now for some real tips...I'm not too good at this but I'll try.


First thing is that you wanna be able to use each class or the one you play with to it's strengths. I recently started playing Recon a bit more and I noticed that I'm actually quite good. What makes me good though? Sniping from the farthest corners of the map..?? Hell no. That's what I call a free kill. What I do is that I used what's been given to me. The balls that uncover units on the map is very precious. It's almost a hack. What you wanna do is that when u see someone around, throw one or 2 and look for exact positions on the map, then take the target out. Sometimes there'll be a few that a grenade will take care of. This also helps your fellow teammates to see where the enemy is. C4 is good. Be a ninja and kill tanks and set traps for them. You won't believe how effective it is. I get 400 combos from that stuff. + it hurts the enemy quite a bit. Especially on maps that rely heavily on the vehicles. Assault is pretty straight forward...be good at killing stuff with guns. Give ammo to players is also a good idea. I hate when I'm out of ammo and I'm calling out to the Assault guy but he ignores me. With the Engi, kill tanks and stuff basically. Try to avoid direct infantry contact if possible. Stay alive so that you can take care of the things that the other classes can't really do. I use the G5 for my engi cuz I'm good at killing so I can for example be a bit more assault-ish...but it really depends how you wanna play. Medic...well...it's a pretty important class as any other. Heal players where they need it. And revive as much as possible. Whenever u see someone go down or is down, just get him up, even if you have to go out in the open. Chances are you won't die cuz revive is done quite fast. Try to get kills cuz the Medic has some of the most powerful weapons but a bad medic won't be saved by any weapon or set up.


Placement on the map.

You said you die a lot. Well that's cuz you aren't properly situated on the battlefield. That doesn't mean that you should hide, just know where to be to avoid detection and do what your class does. People just wait for clueless dudes that don't know where they are or where they are going. This comes naturally...there isn't any rule to where you gotta be at a certain point of the game. This will also help you not get ambushed from all sides but the one you are looking at. Know your boundaries. You can't rush whenever you want to. There's a time for rushing and a time for defending and a time for support etc. If you rush when it's defend time which means it's the enemys attack time, you die. Hard to explain without going into detail but that's the just of it.



A little tip that will help you with the detection. You might notice that there is a grenade meter that shows where the grenade falls but it's only shown when the nade is on your screen. Another thing is that when a grenade falls near you, you'll hear a slight bass-like drop of the game sound...I don't know how to explain it but it changes and it's noticeable with a good sound system and when you hear that change you know it's time to gtfo so run. I use this and it's saved me countless times although I still get hurt badly sometimes.



Doing what your supposed to with any class will get you points. I have no trouble with leveling and it really is harder than in COD, I can still rack up a few thousand points per match and get nice chunks of the level on a single match.



They don't suck I've used them all and I don't have trouble killing stuff with stolen weapons from fallen guys that I took cuz the situation required it. Just note that slight displacement of the hitboxes and the gravity/distance (Recon's greatest enemy). They all have a different feel so you should probably choose a few for all your classes and stick to em. I use a wide variety cuz I gotta be able to use a dropped gun or a droped set as it's not just the main gun you pick up from somebody dead.


I dunno...that's about what I can think of at the moment but you can ask if you want any other specific informationzes or tips.


Also: I used the 50 cal a few times and it sucks my balls through a straw is what I can tell you about that weapon. It's overestimated. Maybe I haven't used it enough but I can kill much more stuff in much less time with less shots with the m95 sniper...the first one on the list. 50 cal is 2 shots for a kill from 100% health just like any other sniper unless a headshop. I dunno...might be personal preference.

I think anyone can be useful in a BC2 even if u suck at FPS. Worst case scenario...being a medic and just focusing on healing and reviving as much as possible. I'm not somebody who likes to encourage people cuz it's basically giving false hope most of the time and hope is stupid(I don't even encourage oh hope for myself...and never really expect anything from anything), but just play the game if you like it and you'll get used to it and maybe get good at it.

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I knew from experiencing the beta that this game is a lot more difficult to play on compared to cod4. So, I altered my playing style oppose to cod4. I had to go on vacation after getting the game so I am still stuck at level 3 private LOL. I only play on HC servers and never ever rush when defending the objectives. So far, my kill ratio is that I get 10 kills or so and 7 deaths, LOL. I even snipe a bit with the first assault rifle and couple of bursts and I get a kill. I also love the bolt action sniper rifle, that class seems to outgrow all the other classes for me.

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I knew from experiencing the beta that this game is a lot more difficult to play on compared to cod4. So, I altered my playing style oppose to cod4. I had to go on vacation after getting the game so I am still stuck at level 3 private LOL. I only play on HC servers and never ever rush when defending the objectives. So far, my kill ratio is that I get 10 kills or so and 7 deaths, LOL. I even snipe a bit with the first assault rifle and couple of bursts and I get a kill. I also love the bolt action sniper rifle, that class seems to outgrow all the other classes for me.

no class outgrows any other class except the medic a bit. When I play medic I'm always number 1 on the score board despite which team wins so maybe it's just me but I think it's overpowering a bit. I have a hard time being first with any other class...but I play Medic rarely cuz I find all the classes fun and I try to use whatever is good for the situation and help win the game...although I also wanna get a good score cuz when your team sux...not much 1 guy can do...so I just play for myself. At times I do get a nice team and I play very supportive even if it means that I don't get to do whatever I want to...


And yea, BC2 and COD - completely different gameplay style. I play COD4 from time to time and I personally don't have a problem with the adjustments from one to another...

Edited by ballist1x

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I just started playing this past weekend and I am back to playing MW2 and just started playing the new stimulus maps. In short I suck a BC2. Went back to what I am good at. Maybe will revisit later when I regain a whole lot of patience. Being good at MW2 doesn't help one bit. It isn't just you, I think everyone has to start getting pwned.


Just a side note the stimulus absolutely sucks

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The most fun I ever had in BFBC2 was while playing with a high level buddy of mine. He was in control of the tank, I was repairing/turret gunning etc.


We got huge killstreaks, and that was the highest points I ever got. We did this in a server with about 6 people in it. I imagine that in larger servers it would be harder to play.


Anyways, stick to your friends who are high level, otherwise you will be miserable as long as you play. Also, try sticking to the vehicles at first, cause they are pretty OP for low level nubs. If you get good at flying the chopper, then you'll own.

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sounds like somebody's being a noob in BC2. Well I gotta admit that the game is different from any other fps I've played, and that's a lot of FPS. I got used to it quite quickly though so maybe it's just the time to adapt to the newness that you need more of. It's easy to avoid grenades. As in cod there is a grenade meter but it's much smaller and if you don't have the grenade on your screen or close to the edge you won't see it. TIP: If you have a good sound system, you'll be able to hear a slight decrease in the game sound...I don't know what it's called but it comes when somebody throws a greande at you and it's about ready to explode. Whenever I hear that sound change, I know it's time to run away and I don't get killed by many nades but they do hurt. If you die often that's because you aren't properly placed on the battlefield. I know cuz that's the easiest kills I get. And I don't mean you should hide urself in the farthest corners of the map either...just be well placed cuz people are just waiting for someone who doesn't know where the hell he is and where he's going to get a kill. Hitting is easy for me once I got used to the hitboxes of the players which aren't quite well placed + you have to consider gravity and distance.

Everybody dies. You just notice it...or maybe they really don't die if you have looked at their score but that's probably cuz they used Medic +M60...you can shoot people from one server to another with that gun if you didn't know that already.


Now for some real tips...I'm not too good at this but I'll try.


First thing is that you wanna be able to use each class or the one you play with to it's strengths. I recently started playing Recon a bit more and I noticed that I'm actually quite good. What makes me good though? Sniping from the farthest corners of the map..?? Hell no. That's what I call a free kill. What I do is that I used what's been given to me. The balls that uncover units on the map is very precious. It's almost a hack. What you wanna do is that when u see someone around, throw one or 2 and look for exact positions on the map, then take the target out. Sometimes there'll be a few that a grenade will take care of. This also helps your fellow teammates to see where the enemy is. C4 is good. Be a ninja and kill tanks and set traps for them. You won't believe how effective it is. I get 400 combos from that stuff. + it hurts the enemy quite a bit. Especially on maps that rely heavily on the vehicles. Assault is pretty straight forward...be good at killing stuff with guns. Give ammo to players is also a good idea. I hate when I'm out of ammo and I'm calling out to the Assault guy but he ignores me. With the Engi, kill tanks and stuff basically. Try to avoid direct infantry contact if possible. Stay alive so that you can take care of the things that the other classes can't really do. I use the G5 for my engi cuz I'm good at killing so I can for example be a bit more assault-ish...but it really depends how you wanna play. Medic...well...it's a pretty important class as any other. Heal players where they need it. And revive as much as possible. Whenever u see someone go down or is down, just get him up, even if you have to go out in the open. Chances are you won't die cuz revive is done quite fast. Try to get kills cuz the Medic has some of the most powerful weapons but a bad medic won't be saved by any weapon or set up.


Placement on the map.

You said you die a lot. Well that's cuz you aren't properly situated on the battlefield. That doesn't mean that you should hide, just know where to be to avoid detection and do what your class does. People just wait for clueless dudes that don't know where they are or where they are going. This comes naturally...there isn't any rule to where you gotta be at a certain point of the game. This will also help you not get ambushed from all sides but the one you are looking at. Know your boundaries. You can't rush whenever you want to. There's a time for rushing and a time for defending and a time for support etc. If you rush when it's defend time which means it's the enemys attack time, you die. Hard to explain without going into detail but that's the just of it.



A little tip that will help you with the detection. You might notice that there is a grenade meter that shows where the grenade falls but it's only shown when the nade is on your screen. Another thing is that when a grenade falls near you, you'll hear a slight bass-like drop of the game sound...I don't know how to explain it but it changes and it's noticeable with a good sound system and when you hear that change you know it's time to gtfo so run. I use this and it's saved me countless times although I still get hurt badly sometimes.



Doing what your supposed to with any class will get you points. I have no trouble with leveling and it really is harder than in COD, I can still rack up a few thousand points per match and get nice chunks of the level on a single match.



They don't suck I've used them all and I don't have trouble killing stuff with stolen weapons from fallen guys that I took cuz the situation required it. Just note that slight displacement of the hitboxes and the gravity/distance (Recon's greatest enemy). They all have a different feel so you should probably choose a few for all your classes and stick to em. I use a wide variety cuz I gotta be able to use a dropped gun or a droped set as it's not just the main gun you pick up from somebody dead.


I dunno...that's about what I can think of at the moment but you can ask if you want any other specific informationzes or tips.


Also: I used the 50 cal a few times and it sucks my balls through a straw is what I can tell you about that weapon. It's overestimated. Maybe I haven't used it enough but I can kill much more stuff in much less time with less shots with the m95 sniper...the first one on the list. 50 cal is 2 shots for a kill from 100% health just like any other sniper unless a headshop. I dunno...might be personal preference.

I think anyone can be useful in a BC2 even if u suck at FPS. Worst case scenario...being a medic and just focusing on healing and reviving as much as possible. I'm not somebody who likes to encourage people cuz it's basically giving false hope most of the time and hope is stupid(I don't even encourage oh hope for myself...and never really expect anything from anything), but just play the game if you like it and you'll get used to it and maybe get good at it.


OK, that might be the best post you've ever made on the internet period. :withstupid:


Much like yourself I like SEVERAL guns, and the "top" weapons in a kit are not usually my choices. The only weapon set I TRULY hate is the early game engineer stuff. But that's not to say I had real issues scoring with it. (though the RPG is my #1 AT weapon atm so there's some good to even that option).


It's mostly a matter of practice and taking you're time. Emptying a mag AT the enemy is NOT the same as putting a few bursts INTO the enemy. Makes a HUGE difference. Also I personally prefer hardcore servers due to the more realistic killing. In other words an M95 taking 2 hits to kill you with a shot in the chest is about the biggest BS I've seen, some of the other weapons fair enough, but that's just BS I don't like to play with.

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