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BIOS Update Problems

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Hi all,

I have tried to update the BIOS in my Crosshair. I tried the USB Flash drive first, but the BIOS doesn't find it.

I then tried the Floppy disk way but the message I get when I choose the file is:


"The Program Files Part Number Does Not Match With Your System".


I then tried EZ-2 bios update from the BIOS. The message then reads:


"The File Size Does Not Match Existing Bios Size".


I didn't know that one bios file must equal the old one in size. Sounds weird!


Anybody able to help me? Please?

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for the flash drive it must be formatted in FAT32


extract the BIOS .bin and the flasher...or whatever tool Asus gives you..make sure USB Legacy Support is enabled in the Bios and set it to boot from USB in the device options...


simple as that...


for the other errors you dont have the right file loaded...

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Hi all,

I finally succeeded!

The problem was there are 2 BIOS files 1304!

I used version 2, thinking it would be better, but when I extracted the file it was 512kb.

I checked my 1207 BIOS and it is 1024kb.

I then downloaded and extracted version 1, and the extracted size is 1024kb.

So it was the size that was the problem.

Sorry to get het up about it.

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