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Apple to use AMD Processors?

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This would be great for AMD :D


Great for AMD indeed! However there just one hurdle for AMD IMO, and that's actually making a processor better than Intel. Don't get me wrong I do like my quad Phenom II but I'm about to put alot of money into a killer build in a few months and going Intel seems like the logical choice. So why would Mac even want to go AMD besides chip availability, because to me Mac has always developed their software applications to be more CPU bound rather than GPU.

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+1. Maybe this will be made to fit with the upcoming CPUs with integrated IGP, which I forgot the codename. Apple would then get great video performance without the need for a dedicated graphics card.

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Great for AMD indeed! However there just one hurdle for AMD IMO, and that's actually making a processor better than Intel. Don't get me wrong I do like my quad Phenom II but I'm about to put alot of money into a killer build in a few months and going Intel seems like the logical choice. So why would Mac even want to go AMD besides chip availability, because to me Mac has always developed their software applications to be more CPU bound rather than GPU.


even if this deal was done today, it'd take a minimum of at least year before you would start seeing AMD chips in apple computers. Who knows what AMD has deep down in it's labs ;) And honestly it's have to be pretty enticing to get Apple interested

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+1. Maybe this will be made to fit with the upcoming CPUs with integrated IGP, which I forgot the codename. Apple would then get great video performance without the need for a dedicated graphics card.

However, upgrading CPU's just gets a lot more difficult.

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From the source:


New chipset designs imposed by Intel [...] have blocked the Mac maker's plans to continue a partnership with NVidia to deliver a standardized chipset for use with its Intel processors across all of its consumer computer offerings.

That makes sense.

Edited by The Smith

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Makes sense for Apple... AMD processors can probably be bought by Apple for way way cheaper than Intels, but the beauty of it is 98% of Mac owners dont know AMD and Intel are competitors. I'm thinking about all the people who get sucked in by commercials of people dancing or fat old white "PC" guy vs young slim trendy "Mac" guy commercials. All the girls who get Macs because they're pretty and match with their new iPods and iPhones and iPads and iWhatevers, and come with iSoftware! Apple can make the switch while keeping their current prices and most of their user base will be completely oblivious. Except for us tech savvy people who know some good earnings reports are in Apple's future so we go buy some stock :D

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