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26 Degrees IDLE i5 750 on stock cooling

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id keep pusing, its good up to 100c, to OC without worry is to not OC at all :D


No, it's NOT good up to 100c.


Saying that to someone who is new to oc'ing could result in them running IBT overnight (or as long as the CPU lasts) at hardware damaging temperatures.

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No, it's NOT good up to 100c.


Saying that to someone who is new to oc'ing could result in them running IBT overnight (or as long as the CPU lasts) at hardware damaging temperatures.

:withstupid: I wouldn't even push much over 75-80

Edited by Compxpert

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id keep pusing, its good up to 100c, to OC without worry is to not OC at all :D


You must have a chip you need sell,all that is needed to do is create a buyer. :lol:

The chip will shut down at 100c . Just remember kids dont do drugs. :lol:

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cirro im not that stupid, like i would run my cpu at 100c PFFFT haha, ok now i will be applying some AS5 when i mount my v8 but i still havent gotten the brackets oh and i also want to add that im running my 2x 2GB Kingston hyper x 1600MHZ ddr3 sticks at 1430MHZ 7-7-7-24 @ 1.5volt, is that good as the stock timings were 9-9-9-24, could you tell me what would be a good memory test software, i have used Memorytest 86 and i ran it for 8 hours and got 0 errors

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The mem test should be ok. As far as the setting on the memory there good now but after you get your cooler and start increasing the clock speeds

you will want to increase the memory voltage to 1.65v. 1.66v is the max no higher and loosen the timing as needed. Good luck ;)

Edited by dling

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Hexus got their i7-930 to 4GHz on the stock cooler while keeping temps below 85C with Prime95 for 30 minutes. It might not even be the same chipset/pin but it's a more power hungry chip.



While this is really high for stock cooling, I don't think 3.6GHz is out of the question for any recent intel chip with a stock cooler as long as your case cooling is adequate.

Edited by hierovision

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