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Hellgate: Tokyo


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Just heard about this from a friend, kind of sad to see a great game like hellgate london turned into a franchise for asia. I'm pretty darn curious about how different it is though, I'm hoping some asian fella can release a torrent for this anyway because I'd really rather not import a game that I can't understand.


Any other hellgate fans got any thoughts on this?

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I wanted to get HG when it was on sale but I never did.







This new game looks awesome though...




I thought I remembered hearing something about this on here before, bp9801 posted something up in January.


Edited by Andrewr05

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've said this several times in the past...HGL was a great game, but was unfortunately killed by horrible marketing and PR.


Funny, I thought the level 35 cap at launch that required the subscription to get to lvl 50 along with actually having a subcription fee period to access features that should have been there for free along with the repetetive nature of the game are what killed it early on, sorry but this game was not good enough or unique enough to get away with charging anyone for anything after the initial purchase.


My opinion:

Honestly, the game was fun . . . for about an hour or three after which point I kept getting the feeling of Deja-Vu from each new level. The game was interesting in combining FPS & RPG elements but that novelty wore off quickly for me. Given the nude mod did bring back the games playability for about 30 minutes extra but then lost its interest once and for all after that.


I will not try any new Hellgate game that comes out because it is ruined for me.


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sorry but this game was not good enough or unique enough to get away with charging anyone for anything after the initial purchase.

He has a point, the company was simply too new... didn't really have enough skill points invested into bull crapting, I mean they aren't blizzard or microsoft, they simply can't pull of what those guys did with the xbox or WoW. Takes time to spew bull like those guys do.

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