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How does my GPU stack up these days?

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Well I know my GTX 260 is starting to show its' age. But compared to ATI's new 5830.

Even after reading this review from this site:




At all resolutions under Crysis Warhead ATI's new 5830 GPU Vs A GTX260 Only a few FPS are seperating the two. And I know i can Overclock mine to at least 700Mhz on the Core so it puts it very close to the performance of a GTX 275;)

So I am wondering aside from the DX11 support, What would be a good GPU to upgrade to?

I am looking for the new budget Overclock King? I really havn't had the time to read up on all of ATI's offerings or what Nvidia is really offering. But I really don't have alot of cash these days. Being a father of two little kids really takes almost all of my money. But who holds the new Budget Overclock Gaming Performance crown?!

Thanx for your help. I plan on getting what I can get fo rmy GTX260, Then put up the rest of the cash to get what I can. So please give good advice. Links to support your views or thoughts would really help.


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is your 260 the 216 version?

if so absolutely no reason to upgrade and it is a fine card

if you must upgrade a 5850 or higher will be the only cards that make any difference

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wait until Fermi comes out if your planning on a upgrade , should be a price drop and you can compare the new DX11 cards :)

Edited by KK_

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My EVGA GTX260 is the 196 model:( But it does do a decent OC?

Right now the only game I can't completely Max the settings out and get my acceptable 35-45 FPS is the new Stalker COP!!

But I know that there is some nice new DX11 games comming down the pipe soon? And the longer I wait, The less I will get for my GPU. So it's either I sell now and get something for it, Or wait a few more months for Nvidia's next line of GPU's to push mine out of the top teir were it will be then worth next to nothing.


I thought ATI has a GPU just under the 5850 that has the same amount of SP's or something, But has a slower clock? What is ATI's new budget King Overclocker?

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There's nothing too wrong with Sapphires 5830 overclocking ability however the main problem with them is that it has half the ROPs (16) of the 5850 (32). Performance when AA is turned on at higher resolutions will suffer badly when compared to the 5850 or 5870.


For my money the 5850 is the way to go. Most overclock well and get close to the 5870 in performance.

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  • 2 weeks later...
wait until Fermi comes out if your planning on a upgrade , should be a price drop and you can compare the new DX11 cards :)


I think the wait is over, someone has a picture of BIG FOOT with one .We should all see one soon. :thumbs-up:

Big Foot that is :lol:

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I think the wait is over, someone has a picture of BIG FOOT with one .We should all see one soon. :thumbs-up:

Big Foot that is :lol:


LMAO! :thumbs-up:


That GTX 260 although not my flavor of video card is a good card and still has alot of punch left in it. Enough punch that waiting out the Fermi release so the market has a good selection and/or maybe better pricing too could work for you in a positive way.

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The 5830 is a waste of money (for anyone). If you're going to upgrade go to a 5850 at least.


From a performance perspective, if you have a low end card and a lower resolution monitor, then it might make a good enough upgrade. Its performance only really suffers at higher resolutions with AA/AF turned on high.


Its price here in NZ that will hurt sales. Here in NZ its only $65 cheaper than a 5850. Might as well get the 5850.

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