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antec 300


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I have an antec 300 with a cooler master V8 right below it. It's set up as an exhaust but i can barely feel any air moving from it, so my question is would it be better to set it as an intake so it blows cool air over my cooler or should i just leave it be.

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what i would say is have the front fans as intake and the back as the output.

also have you checked that the fans are working? if not buy some if you can.

also the coolermaster v8 isnt really a fan which you can use in exaust setups if you know what i mean.

you need a fan like this




have a look.

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put your hand on the side of the top fan vent


you may think the fan blows upward, however, it does not, it blows in a wide cone, so put your hand touching the computer on the side of the top fan vent


if your fan has control speeds low is not good enough

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I have an antec 300 with a cooler master V8 right below it. It's set up as an exhaust but i can barely feel any air moving from it, so my question is would it be better to set it as an intake so it blows cool air over my cooler or should i just leave it be.


Just to clarify... you are talking about the CM V8 being situated directly next to the case's side vent? :unsure:


Case spec's mention washable air filters... are yours clean?

Edited by tazwegion

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No no no i'm talking about the top exhaust fan that is sitting directly above the V8. And yes as i said before IT IS AN EXHAUST.

My question is would it be better for it to blow cool air over the entire cooler since it's doing such a poor job of moving air out? The only dust filter is on the front two intake fans and i clean it every other day.

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I'm not a moron man i know when a fan is pushing air or not and it's not. As i stated before and in my sig it's a yate loon medium.


yeah, sadly if your eyes can see the fan spinning and you feel no 'air' then you have a problem somewhere, don't you?


I looked up these Yate loon mediums and they sell for 3.99$,

these things are putting out 33dba? <_<

Just out of curiosity, why did you replace your antec tri-cools?


I don't think you are using the 4pin are you? if you are using the 3 pin connected to the motherboard then that most likely is the issue

put your antec fan back in and run it on high

can you 'feel' now?


your idea of making the top fan an intake is a very bad idea if you use the rear case fan as an exhaust. but you seem like a man who loves a good challenge.

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My question is would it be better for it to blow cool air over the entire cooler since it's doing such a poor job of moving air out?


Thanks for the clarification...


Okay, as you know hot air (and heat in general) rises and as such using a fan to force air down into the case would appear to be in contradiction to the case designer's intended thermal pathway not to mention struggling against the second law of thermo-dynamics ;)


Have you got the rear fan configured as an exhaust as well? the reason I ask is 2 large exhaust fans in close proximity would reduce the "air output feel" of the other :)


I should also ask about you case temps at the moment too :D

Edited by tazwegion

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Yes my rear case fan is an exhaust as well but it's pushing plenty of air which is why i asked about the top fan in the first place. It was just a idea. And my temps are all great across the board. Maybe i'll just do some testing myself to find out.


And @ potato. I never said the fan wasn't moving air, I said it was barely moving air. maybe it's YOUR eyes that need to be checked. It's running off the four pin. And the antec fan broke when my nephew thought it would be a good idea to try and shove a toy in it.

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It was just a idea. And my temps are all great across the board. Maybe i'll just do some testing myself to find out.


Trial an error... excellent idea! :D


I imagine the top rear fan is doing the bulk of the work leaving little "air pressure" under the top exhaust fan, your temps are good and that's all that really matters... good luck with your experimentation! :thumbs-up:

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