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I am looking at a job.


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Alright, I have been out of work for awhile. I need a job really bad. I found these people who get hired by banks to go around and take pictures of homes of interested be it because they are abandoned or behind on payments and what have you. I called the people and well everyone was from the area and sounded American (not saying it couldn't be a scam but at least I didn't get anyone from India).


They were up front that it is not a huge money job and it pays on commission. The more rural the house, the bigger the commission (great for me because I live in the middle of nowhere). They say they will not send me out unless they have enough houses to make a profitable trip for me.


This doesn't have that "too good to be true" feeling and the people seem very honest. Their website blows but that is to be expected around here. I just want to know if this is a real thing. There seems to be money to be made, but it seems to be very part time. I don't need a lot of money. I just need something to help get me by.

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Alright, I have been out of work for awhile. I need a job really bad. I found these people who get hired by banks to go around and take pictures of homes of interested be it because they are abandoned or behind on payments and what have you. I called the people and well everyone was from the area and sounded American (not saying it couldn't be a scam but at least I didn't get anyone from India).


They were up front that it is not a huge money job and it pays on commission. The more rural the house, the bigger the commission (great for me because I live in the middle of nowhere). They say they will not send me out unless they have enough houses to make a profitable trip for me.


This doesn't have that "too good to be true" feeling and the people seem very honest. Their website blows but that is to be expected around here. I just want to know if this is a real thing. There seems to be money to be made, but it seems to be very part time. I don't need a lot of money. I just need something to help get me by.




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Alright, I have been out of work for awhile. I need a job really bad. I found these people who get hired by banks to go around and take pictures of homes of interested be it because they are abandoned or behind on payments and what have you. I called the people and well everyone was from the area and sounded American (not saying it couldn't be a scam but at least I didn't get anyone from India).


They were up front that it is not a huge money job and it pays on commission. The more rural the house, the bigger the commission (great for me because I live in the middle of nowhere). They say they will not send me out unless they have enough houses to make a profitable trip for me.


This doesn't have that "too good to be true" feeling and the people seem very honest. Their website blows but that is to be expected around here. I just want to know if this is a real thing. There seems to be money to be made, but it seems to be very part time. I don't need a lot of money. I just need something to help get me by.


If it costs you $$$$ it's a scam.

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If it costs you $$$$ it's a scam.

Only thing it cost me is gas money. I am skeptical though.


Edit:Blarg, I told these guys I wasn't interested. Seemed like it wouldn't be worth my time even if it was legit.

Edited by gabrieltessin

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:withstupid: :withstupid: I'm with dominos but pizza delivery can make some money for not being one of the "prestigious" jobs (doesn't have to be a corporate chain either, we just both happen to work for some lol)

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