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Overclocking my 920


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Specs also in sig but here for reference also

- i7 920 C0


- 2x Sapphire HD 4870 1gb

- 700W OCZ modxstream pro

- Mushkin HP3-12800 3x 2gb (6gb) DDRIII triple channel


Ok so I've been trying this my self for awhile with little success... I can get semi stable 3.6, 3.8, 4.0gHz but I can never make any of these fully stable. Memtest gets errors in test 7 when overclocked with single mem modules though.... If I have all three installed in triple channel it becomes even worse and starts spouting errors out like crazy even in the first couple of tests. Memtest does not error on any one stick of mem or in triple channel at stock speeds. Any ideas what I am doing wrong I can post bios screenies if necessary. At 4.0 my VTT is 1.45v, vcore is 1.3560, ram voltage is at 1.65. I am running the meme at 800mhz (1600mhz DDR) and the uncore is also then 3200mhz. To obtain 4.0 I running 200mhz b clock and 20 multi.


Also am I doin it rite? How does one properly overclock an i7?

Edited by Compxpert

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Google overclock i7. Theres about 18000 different versions of your answer.

Not really helpful when about 18000 different versions can't help me push more than 3.6gHz. If I try to go over 181 b clock so say even 182 my mem is then suddenly detected as 4gb instead of 6gb. I read something about having the VTT and mem voltage at just the right setting can make it detect properly but I toyed with it for over a half hour and it would still do that. I'm starting to wonder if my memory all though fine in stock just can't handle any more of an overclock i.e. its bad... but I can't prove it as I don't have alternative memory to put in.


Does this look like a memory problem to anyone else?

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One quirk of i7s is they seem to work better with odd number multipliers. If your mobo has turbo-boost make sure it is enabled. That will give you a 21x multiplier. Unfortunately the CO stepping i7s don't OC as well as the DO stepping chips. From what I've read, about 4GHz will be all you can get and you'll need something better than air cooling to get there.

Edited by nanoprobe

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Post the voltages you are using along with the memory timings and i can get you there. If you have a DO stepping it will be easier but CO's can be happy at 4.0Ghz as well.

The memory disappearing has happenes to me when i set the voltages way out of whack or do not have the modules seated properly. Also improperly tightening the HS can torque the board.

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wow all the replies yikes...

I just had a bad recovery from a raid array that went out as a result of trying to oc this thing.

Bios screenies.







I have also tried manually setting timings and memory/uncore frequency nothing has worked. Also my memory is detected as 4gb instead of 6gb after I go past 181mhz bclock. I have also tried putting the ram voltage up to 1.650 which also did not work. I've also tried various vtt and vcore voltages. I have even tried overclocking with single memory modules and have had no success.

Edited by Compxpert

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