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overclocked my 920 succesfully to 3.8... now what?


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oooooooookay. so now my BIOS says that the CPU's target (whatever that is) is 3.8GHz. I include a screeniepost-67675-1266018526_thumb.jpg now, as you can see in my sig, my CPU is cooled only by a V8, giving me the toasty 47 @ nearly idle. I'll check BIOS for a completely idle number.


I will say this - so far I only fiddled with the BCLK (now it's 190). no changes to voltage was made, everything to AUTO. DRAM is AUTO showing 1523. since my RAM is 1600, is it possible to OC it? I mean put a higher value here? or should I change AUTO to 1523 and fogeddaboudit? plz help, community.


I read in AS5's .pdf that it is "broken in by a PC" over many cycles up to 200 hours in total. after that the temps may go down a couple of degress. but isn't 47 a bit much? (I used the line method for it, and the V8's very screwed in, in fact I was afraid of cracking the mobo.)


any suggestions will be appreciated. TY


*edit* I looked in my BIOS - 44.5 at "idle"


CPU voltage is set to manual (as opposed to Offset) but the actual number is set to AUTO


sorry about re-editing: looking at all the numbers in CPUZ, I'm wondering why exactly did the BIOS choose 1.416V for the CPU, because the same OC I've seen on yotube a guy keyed in 1.35V - maybe that's the reason for the overheat?

Edited by Crawlerz246

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From the screen shot I would say that your vcore being set to auto is overvolting your cpu. try manually setting it a little lower. It should help with temps a lot.


Also it doesnt look like your motherboard is factoring in turbo boost, thats why it says 3.8(20x190) so you are actually at 3.99(21x190) what cpu-z is showing

Edited by Water_Hazard

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From the screen shot I would say that your vcore being set to auto is overvolting your cpu. try manually setting it a little lower. It should help with temps a lot.


Also it doesnt look like your motherboard is factoring in turbo boost, thats why it says 3.8(20x190) so you are actually at 3.99(21x190) what cpu-z is showing


cant argue with that. solid reasoning.


about VCORE - I keyed in 1.35 - should I attempt 1.30?


*edit* should I turn off turbo boost?

Edited by Crawlerz246

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I would slowly step it down to find out where it starts to be unstable. It will probably be in the 1.35 range but just play around with it and see.


turning turbo boost off will drop it down to a x20 multi. so you will be at 3.8. Just depends on what you are aiming for.

Edited by Water_Hazard

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christ! linx heated me up to 87!


my BIOS (undervoted to 1.35VCORE) says idle's about 37-38. however under little load (4-6%) realtemp shows 46. should I undervolt more? to 1.3?

Yea just depends on your cooling, set it at 1.3 and see how high a speed you can get with it. If its to hot lower it to 1.275 and see how high it will go. I have a 920 that will do 4.2Ghz with 1.275 and I have one that needs 1.45 to do 3.8Ghz. You just have to check it there all different...

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Yea just depends on your cooling, set it at 1.3 and see how high a speed you can get with it. If its to hot lower it to 1.275 and see how high it will go. I have a 920 that will do 4.2Ghz with 1.275 and I have one that needs 1.45 to do 3.8Ghz. You just have to check it there all different...


1.275? wow that pretty cool.

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