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overclocked my 920 succesfully to 3.8... now what?


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Sorry , I cant help you with the ht or ss. But I cant believe you would be willing to pay almost 600 for a 960 cpu

but not be willing to spend 200 on a 920 cpu and another 200-250 on a good wc'ing system.

One thing to remember about those temps is that you may never reach that amount of cpu usage

under normal circumstances,so you may not ever see those high temps. Also as5 is not the worlds greatest paste.

http://www.quietpc.com/gb-en-gbp/products/...nkacc/noc-nt-h1 this is what I use ,I like it. You could also get really serious

and lapp both the cpu h/s and the cpu which will help. WOW, I'm out of breath now. :blink::D

Good luck on what ever you decide.

Edited by dling

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On average having ht enabled will make your full load temps 10-12c higher on air. Try testing with ht disabled and see what it does.


you are a goddamn genius my friend! I could never have thought the temp difference is so great. I'd've thought a couple of degress, maybe 5 at the most, but 10-12?!

Edited by Crawlerz246

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But I cant believe you would be willing to pay almost 600 for a 960 cpu but not be willing to spend 200 on a 920 cpu and another 200-250 on a good wc'ing system.


200? I bought mine for over 300. where is a 920 for 200 right now? I seem to remember those prices too but now everywhere I look it's 299.99. (and I'll tell you why - I thought I'd overpay because only NCIX offered guaranteed D0 stepping, and everywhere else I saw 300 so yeah maybe a poor choice since newegg's 300 was most likely to be D0 but I just didnt wanna spend all that time returning it if it was C0)


200 on a WC system? alright - suggestions? I'm a virgin when it comes to WC.

Edited by Crawlerz246

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you are a goddamn genius my friend! I could never have thought the temp difference is so great. I'd've thought a couple of degress, maybe 5 at the most, but 10-12?!


Here is the water cooling setup I have on my i7-920. My temps stay @ 58-62c @ 4.1 GHz @100% load with ht enabled. (Validation in sig) Of course it is winter and the ambient temps in my office are about 2-4f cooler then in the summer but I don't expect my temps to go up more that a degree or 2 when summer returns. I know it's more than your $200 threshold but if you want to play than you have to pay. Worth every cent IMHO. You can see pics of it here. I'll be glad to offer my help if you decide to take the plunge.


Disabling ht kinda defeats one of the purposes for having an i7 but it's your call.


I know this might frost ya but if you lived near a Micro Center or know someone who does you could have bought an i7 for $199.99

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Here is the water cooling setup I have on my i7-920. My temps stay @ 58-62c @ 4.1 GHz @100% load with ht enabled. (Validation in sig) Of course it is winter and the ambient temps in my office are about 2-4f cooler then in the summer but I don't expect my temps to go up more that a degree or 2 when summer returns. I know it's more than your $200 threshold but if you want to play than you have to pay. Worth every cent IMHO. You can see pics of it here. I'll be glad to offer my help if you decide to take the plunge.


Disabling ht kinda defeats one of the purposes for having an i7 but it's your call.


I know this might frost ya but if you lived near a Micro Center or know someone who does you could have bought an i7 for $199.99

That watercooling setup is fantastic. I have the same one on my e8400 and at 4.5ghz with 1.52v I don't see my temps go above 55c. Intel's thermal spec on my CPU is 71.4C and I can OC to 4.7ghz before I hit that at 100% load Prime95 small FFT's. I understand that the i7 is a quad with HT still a dual core at 1.6v should be the same as an i7 at ~1.35v.

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I got my cpu from Microcenter 199.00 in store. I think that's the every day price. It's a DO. :thumbs-up:

Question: Is HT Hyper Treading ?

Edited by dling

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you are a goddamn genius my friend! I could never have thought the temp difference is so great. I'd've thought a couple of degress, maybe 5 at the most, but 10-12?!


Did you see a 10-12 deg drop in temps ?

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Did you see a 10-12 deg drop in temps ?


indeed I did. that's why I was able to clock a 4.2 without a sweat with HT off. and I'm not breaking 70 degrees (yet).


the new WLAN card finally came (with the UPS snow delays GR!) today I probably install win 7 x64 to take advantage of my 6GB of RAM

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