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How far can I go with this chip?


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Well, I hit 4.4 on my 920, volts don't look too shabby. Here's the validation: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=981474


I think I need to knock the RAM timings down a little bit to keep going because it doesn't like to run SuperPi 32m. I'm looking at some DDR3-2000 kits so I can raise my Bclk more. Should I try for 4.5 or 4.6 on air? Temps are going to around 60c or so if I remember correctly under Prime95.


Also, any recommendations for some DDR3-2000 kits? I've been trying to find some Hyper kits without spending 450 bucks. :P

Edited by Excidium00

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That's pretty awesome. I had to bump the voltage up a bit to make it stable at 4.4GHz. I'm gonna take a look at it today, see if I can get closer to 4.5Ghz. I was also gonna try to lower the multi to 19 and go for a higher Bclk and see how far my Gene can go.

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Do you think the your ability to get those speeds is the motherboard

or the processor ? I cant seem to get past 4.08 with my 920 DO stepping cpu. :angry2:


All cpus are different some clock good some dont, I can take one of my good clockers and stick it on a cheap motherboard and it makes that motherboard look great, on the other hand I can put a bad clocker on the classified and make it look like crap. You may go through about a dozen cpus just trying to find a decent one, buy and sell is the answer if you just have to have a good one...

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