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Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad


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Call of Duty will still prevail and you all know it. When Modern Warfare 3 is released this fall half of RO's player base will be wiped off the face of the planet.. by a video game.


Yeah because Call of Duty is a game that you can be good at without any skill.(Running and gunning with perks like Steady Aim, pro making it even more effective). Most sales will most likely come from consoles since they think the same old CoD with a new skins every year is "Amazing!!". You also forgot that BF3 is coming out also this year, MW3 will def. not be getting as many sales on PC this year.

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  • 4 weeks later...



GDC 11: Gameplay Enhancements Walkthrough Part I (Cam)

GDC 11: Gameplay Enhancements Walkthrough Part 2 (Cam)


TWI was kind of enough to go to GDC and show us some gameplay enhancements they made to the game since RO 1.



  • Faster movement to get out of prone

    OMG! Trying to escape a grenade when you're currently in prone position in RO 1, wasn't going to happen. Old animation was way too slow.

  • Proning with a deployable weapon will automatically deploy

    Old system used a two click method

  • While prone you'll automatically pick up the weapon slightly to reposition, like if you've turned out of the bipod's angle

    Old system you would have to undeploy, reposition, then redeploy

  • You can now crouch for cover when deployed weapons

    If its mounted on a sandbag or something of height

  • Heavy machine guns mounted on tripods

    Several spawnable locations per map. Map will randomly choose which locations to spawn them at. You cannot relocate these.

  • Relaxed suppression with suppression bar and other features

    Extremely mild compared to Darkest Hour's version of suppression.
    However it still follows the same principles of making it harder for those who are suppressed to effectively fire back.

  • Mantling

    Old News: Climbing over objects, like in the recent update in Darkest Hour

  • Fully detailed tanks with fully animated crew including AI

    Stand a side every game that had tanks before, this ain't nothing like you've seen yet.

  • Reactive Objective Hud

    Old News: you can press a button to display objective locations on screen

  • Destruction

    BC 1 style, leaving some remaining shell of its former self. So players can still use it for cover, unlike BC 2's system of turning it into rubble, then it becomes just useless to everyone else.

  • Command-able AI

    Old News: Singleplayer and AI Tank crew

  • 64 Player Count and 10 Maps @ Ship, comes with SDK

    Old News

  • All maps will support all game modes with some configurations to them

    Like the BF2, BF2142, and BC1/BC2 system

  • Team Deathmatch Mode

    No class limits or weapon limits, the game mode you want to play when you want to get introduced into the game

  • New spawning system

    As players progress into the map, the game will dynamically pick a player to spawn others to. This will help create small pockets of resistance

  • Weapon Pickup menu

    If you ever played a game where there are multiple weapons on the ground and you want to pick up a certain one. You have to fumble around a bit, but now this game gives you a menu of whats near you to pick up. I wish they had this system for arming/disarming objectives in BC2 and CoD. In those two game you would pick up a zillion weapons at the objective point instead of arming/disarming

  • Peripheral indicators

    "Let's you know that something is moving in your peripheral vision. You won't know if its a friend or foe until you look at it. That's due to the way the human eye works. With the screen, the human eye sees much further than the sides of the screen, so the peripheral indicators are to compensate for that." - excerpt from video

  • Slow death mode

    Old news: Kinda like 'Second Chance' in CoD or 'Downed Mode' in GW2, the player bleeds out from a non-fetal wound with chance to still fight back

  • End of Game Stats

    Top player, Most dishonorable, and etc information

  • Persistent stats tracking

    The whole sha-bang. Breakdown for individual classes and weapons. Viewable in-game vs having to leave the server to view them (cough* CoD and BF)

  • Weapon upgrades

    Old news: You level up classes individually, as you rank up you can unlock authentic upgrades for them. I heard it wasn't CoD WaW quantity, but I'm sure they will be quality upgrades



Release Date: Sometime this year

Beta Status: About to enter Friends and Family Beta (Start: Middle to end of this month), then long standing clans that still play RO, and finally a big closed beta near completion of the game (~20,000 closed beta keys distributed to sites to be given away)


Final notes, did you see that 70 round drum magazine for the Mosin Nagant (just kidding it was a placeholder, but I wouldn't mind if it was actually in the game :D) Another tidbit is death messages included distance from target :D

Edited by Krazyxazn

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  • 3 weeks later...

You ever hear DICE devs say "Only in Battlefield," well guess what? I got an "Only in Red Orchestra" moment to share with everyone.


4x players stacked one on top of the other. The bottom player walks them over to the bridge. The 2nd guy jumps off into the river. Taking the other two on top of him to a watery grave :D I thought it was pretty hilarious.






It's called the Tower of Power it seems: http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/showthread.php?t=50993

Much higher towers in that other thread :D

Edited by Krazyxazn

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  • 3 weeks later...



Well, as mentioned, we had a few problems with the a/c this week. Compressor apparently burned out and had to be replaced. Temp was up around 85 outside, so we were frying inside - hence the sudden rash of "portable" a/c units. Hopefully all fixed now, so I'll run by the office later to check. Apart from that, yes, we enjoyed the rather brief trip back to the UK.


So - what have we been up to at work, apart from melting? Hit a nice big deadline last weekend, so people can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The whole Portal 2 ARG beast chewed up a fair amount of time over the last few weeks as well - all good fun, though! Starting to free up artists now, so they can be working on "other stuff" for the summer. Does this mean the RO2 beta is getting closer? Well, of course We know everyone has been waiting a long time - but that is the trouble with a "small" company like Tripwire. Just getting everything done is a challenge!


Apart from people busting their balls on RO2, we've got people working on more goodies for KF - we haven't forgotten you guys! There should be another announcement or two on The Ball coming soon - another Tripwire/Teotl adventure. And Dwarfs is close to release, which should give people some light-hearted fun (and gameplay that ranges up to the downright difficult and challenging for those who like it that way). For those who played the old Dwarfs beta (or saw it at PAX) - you won't believe how much the guys have added to the game!


But RO2: yes, close to the first phase of beta now. Won't be many more Saturdays before we are chatting about that. Finalizing script for the v/o for the single-player campaigns. Tweaking Countdown gametype, both to suit the clan players (setting it up so we can be sure it is perfectly balanced) and to work well in the MP campaign. And starting to get the final PR campaign organised... the fun! We should probably run a poll or something on when people think the F&F beta will start! "Soon"






Now there is one specific reference to the publication. As the publisher Lance Mamba Global in an official press release has announced that Red Orchestra is 2: Heroes of Stalingrad in August 2011 on the market - at least in Australia and Great Britain.

All signs pointing to August release :D



Edited by Krazyxazn

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  • 2 weeks later...

The making of Red Orchestra


“We’d like to see the first big mods out a few months after the game, not two years later,” says Alan. “At the current rate, we’ll have Rising Storm (Japanese vs Americans in the Pacific), a Vietnam conflict game, plus there are a bunch of others as diverse as World War I and the Warhammer universe.”

Hmm a Warhammer universe mod, sounds interesting.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Seem like Tripwire is gonna get the ball rolling soon with some RO2 PR.


fter a week off, Alan has returned to his weekly blog! And here it is:


So sorry I dared to take time off last Saturday So, what news do we have for you this week?


Well, the Russian VO has now been recorded (in Russia, for anyone whining that they don't sound like real Russians). Got it back on Thursday, should be in game next week. German VO should be with us in a few days as well. There is an awful lot of it!


We were finalizing the bullet penetration stuff last few days as well. Coders have their work cut out a little on this one. Consider that, with tank main gun rounds, you haven't got more than 5-10 in the air in any given second. With a server with 50+ people on it, using PPShs, DP28s and MG34s, you've potentially got about a LOT more than that - so a LOT of penetration calcs going on. Happily it isn't my problem to optimize that lot (except in the design, obviously). But don't think hiding behind that over-turned desk is going to do you any good when I'm using the MG34 - and anti-tank rifles will live up to their more modern designation of "anti-material rifles"!


With E3 finished, we'll let the press recover from their EA/Activision/Ubisoft/Sony/MS-fueled mayhem - and then we'll start pushing out a series of announcements and general fun and games over the next couple of weeks. There are a series of press events coming up - one at home base next week (secret squirrel - not telling you about that one yet), plus events set up by 1C in Prague (18 June, if I remember it right) and San Fran (7 July), so there should be more press coming from those.


Competitive gamers: with the recent "announcements" from the MW/CoD camps, we've had a sudden rush of comp gamers shouting "save us!" Fortunately, of course, we have a ton of features in place already (as the faithful know) to aid comp gaming around RO. So, if you are/know any more comp gamers who are getting pissed at the news around the soon-to-be-completely-console-oriented games - bring them over here!


For light amusement - we are just in process of opening a new office, to be known as "Tripwire South". Actually, it is only about 5 meters south, but we need the space.


Also been doing some more interviews, so look for those appearing over the next couple of weeks as well.


Have a good weekend!

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  • 2 weeks later...

RO2 proves to be more of a PC FPS game since the release of TF2. If you want to support PC gaming, then check out this PC exclusive.


  • Support for Ranked and Unranked Dedicated Servers
  • Ranked servers monitored by Devs for banning misbehavior
  • Support for custom rulesets on unranked servers
  • Server tool can be used to customize weapons, classes, game types, gameplay elements and scoring elements
  • LAN play will be supported
  • Both VAC and Punkbuster simultaneously (VAC will not catch hackers until 5 months later and PB will kick you for NOT hacking, jk :thumbsup: )
  • Demo recording and spectator mode
  • Custom keybinding and custom UI
  • 64 player maps can be scaled down to 16 and 10 player battles


Clarification of VAC and Punkbuster usage.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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