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5870 scoring 6.0 in WEI


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So now that it scored higher in WEI, does it run faster is any actual applications?



When the WEI was having problems It never effected my games. My games ran silky smooth. I was only concerned with it cause I had just got the new card that day and I wanted to make sure nothing was wrong with the card so I could RMA it quickly and get a new one. The performance in games is the same now as when the index was messed up. Thats besides the point though. A 5xxx card should be above 7.0 and If this is enough of an issue to mess with the index then It could possibly mess with some applications I assume, So I would still try to sort it out regardless of how the applications run.

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Okay everyone I think I figured it out.



Everytime I install a hotfix or a new driver (Im running the 10.1 beta drivers right now) of course it resets all of the CCC settings. It also makes my WEI graphics ratings go back to 6.0. I had enabled GPU scaling before I had all these problems with the WEI and it slipped my mind to re-enable the scaling.


Re-enabled it it seems to have fixed the issue as Im now back at 7.8 with any driver or hotfix as long as the GPU scaling is enabled.


open CCC go to Desktop & Displays, at the bottom left where it shows the mini display right below where it says "please select a display", click the little triangle and configure.


In Attributes in the Image Scaling section, enable GPU scaling. This should fix your issue. On a side note, I dont know if it has anything to do with it cause I didnt test it, but in Scaling options, I have the box checked where it says "use the scaling values instead of the blah blah blah"


I think the problems with the WEI is a problem with Directx 10. When I dont have the GPU scaling enabled, Crysis and Warhead run at only 24hz with vsync on unless in window mode, which is rediculous. Im playing on a 60hz HDTV and all Directx9 games run perfectly at 60hz. Crysis, and Warhead are the only Directx10 games I have tested this on, but like I said when the GPU scaling is not enabled they run at 24hz...enabled they run at 60hz.


After enabling the GPU scaling this fixed both Crysis and Warhead as well as my WEI issue. (after the installation of the beta 10.1 drivers)


Hope this helps.

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I noticed that others had their vga card id'ed by name in the graphics area of the WEI. Mine only says :desktop performance for windows Aero :blink:

BTW my score is only 6.0 :angry2:

Edited by dling

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I dont get it? Why do people care so much?


If you can play all your games at the setting you want, who cares?


I cannot believe someone posted saying 3 days worth of re-installing to "fix" the score was worth it??? 5 seconds of "fixing" isnt worth it.


If you really want to boast about performance THAT much, get 3D Mark/PC Mark. WEI is just an indicator for people who dont have an interest in computers. So they can walk into a store and fire up WEI on 2 laptops and get a figure for there performance.


You BUILT YOUR SYSTEM!! Surely you KNOW whats in it, and if it runs YOUR games the way you want, who cares what the score says??? Ok, sure you want to know its running at its best, but as I said, there are MUCH better benchmarks you can use to ascertian perforamance, and compare to others with the same spec.


ITs been said time and time again, WEI is not a great benchmark. So who cares? So what if it classes your RAID 0 of SSDs as only being a 5.9??? YOU know its fast, so whats it matter if Windows says it is?

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I dont get it? Why do people care so much?


If you can play all your games at the setting you want, who cares?


I cannot believe someone posted saying 3 days worth of re-installing to "fix" the score was worth it??? 5 seconds of "fixing" isnt worth it.


If you really want to boast about performance THAT much, get 3D Mark/PC Mark. WEI is just an indicator for people who dont have an interest in computers. So they can walk into a store and fire up WEI on 2 laptops and get a figure for there performance.


You BUILT YOUR SYSTEM!! Surely you KNOW whats in it, and if it runs YOUR games the way you want, who cares what the score says??? Ok, sure you want to know its running at its best, but as I said, there are MUCH better benchmarks you can use to ascertian perforamance, and compare to others with the same spec.


ITs been said time and time again, WEI is not a great benchmark. So who cares? So what if it classes your RAID 0 of SSDs as only being a 5.9??? YOU know its fast, so whats it matter if Windows says it is?



Lol I use vantage, 3Dmark06 is played out. I dont think people are trusting WEI as a benchmark by any means...I sure wasnt, Its more of a "I dont want there to be something wrong with my computer" kinda thing.


3 days of reinstalling was worth it cause the card I had just put in was brand new. I wanted to know if the card was good or not so I could rma...Ive gotten 2 faulty cards in the past and never had the WEI problem. And working to fix the issue was a good thing cause I also figured out something along the way for fixing some Dx10 problems I was having with certain games.


But you sleep better knowing you would never do that cause your just so cool cause you wouldnt take the time :)

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I also agree, I think most if not all on this forum know that WEI is not a good benchmark for anything.

But as I am ,I think that others were curious as to why they had such low numbers with such hi-end cards.

I still would be intrested in knowing.

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