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Random blue screens now? Passed 8 hrs OCCT a week ago..


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Anyone ever have a cpu pass OCCT for 8 hrs then a week later, fail every 15 min test i try..? It will blue screen during OCCT when it hits like 7 mins left..



I lowered to 3.7ghz and it passed... I notice heat is a ltitle higher too.. could that be b/c my processor worked itself in? its only a week old

Edited by compbrainiac

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CCC is rubbish. Waste of memoriez. See if you put your gpu back to stock, if your CPU will be stable as before. That will tell you if the problem is in the GPU. If it is, then either you can't overclock that high your CPU + an OC on the gpu. If you still don't pass after turning back to stock GPU settings, then it's something else. Make sure that you REALLY didn't change anything else. I don't think that a cpu can "work itself in" that fast if at all.


See if Cool n Quite is disabled. It makes messes some times.


I've also read about the PCIE Clock in the bios that I think increases bandwidth but decreases stability...something like that. Some people say they've experienced a performance gain, some say it ruins cards. I personally don't touch it, and I suggest you don't either unless you want to spend hours and hours of reading on what exactly it does lol. It probably won't help anyway.

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I put GPU back to stock, still fails at 3.8.. brought it back down to 3.7 and it passed intel burn in test 5 passes.. fails at 3.8.... its wierd tho cuz 3.8 passed 8 hrs occt.. im pissed.. Is being on AIM and having Firefox opened effecting anything?

Edited by compbrainiac

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Maybe it has something to do with the sleepy PC. Try to look in your Power Options and disable everything that turns off after a certain time. Mainly the HDD turn off option. Or hibernation.


Ya thats the first thing I did.. Do I have to redo test now or am I stable you think? Should I do a Intel Burn in test 5 rounds to be sure?


**Passed BurnIn test from Intel..

Edited by compbrainiac

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since it has been so cold outside are you running the heater in your house at full blast?

this has caused my computer to crash using the stock HSF while overclocked *cough*

windows 7 sleep mode is buggy, btw

lots of power management option fixes still being worked out

Edited by potatochobit

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