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First build, $1000 budget!


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ooh boy i am excited about this!

so i've just started this little project today, although i've thought about doing it for the last couple years.

right now im on my asus laptop and its just not cutting it gaming wise.


today i went to my local Frys and started pricing computer cases


i think im going to make this a day by day or every couple days thread where i can update my progress and get notes from everyone because i am very noob to building computers and what is compatible and all of that good stuff! :D


so far i have been really taken with the Antec P183, but after reading a couple reviews I am worried about not having enough room.


Another case that has taken my eye is the Apevia X-Discovery. But I think that might just be the gauge on the front of the case :P


any help on this project would be greatly appreciated.!

on a side note. this computer is going to be used for mostly gaming, although i am going to be using it for school work as well.

Games i play- World of Warcraft, Counterstrike Source, CoD, haven't tried crysis due to inadequate PC. >.> i would like to be able to play most FirstPersonShooters with a solid framerate




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i think i am just going to get a fan controller + gauge and use the p183, i really like how it looks aesthetically. But, if i find another case thats cheaper or the same price that is better performance wise i might make a switch.


on another note while im thinking about it.


how much should i be spending on the mobo?

keep in mind i have 1000$ budget

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i think i am just going to get a fan controller + gauge and use the p183, i really like how it looks aesthetically. But, if i find another case thats cheaper or the same price that is better performance wise i might make a switch.


on another note while im thinking about it.


how much should i be spending on the mobo?

keep in mind i have 1000$ budget

definitely less than $150 probably around $100. Most likely we'll have you building an AM3 system :)

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i feel like i should wait until thanksgiving and see if i can snag some sale priced items... hopefully at least :D


for my budget the p183 seems a bit too high priced as well. should i be thinking about downgrading cases?

the antec 300 is hard to beat for the money, I got that one for my dad and it rocks

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im just worried about space really. i would like to have enough extra room to expand once i get more money. i was thinking about getting the p180 mini but after reading reviews about how people were having a lot of tight fits, well. i'd rather be safe than sorry ya know?

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im just worried about space really. i would like to have enough extra room to expand once i get more money. i was thinking about getting the p180 mini but after reading reviews about how people were having a lot of tight fits, well. i'd rather be safe than sorry ya know?

indeed, that's why I'm horrible with case advice. It's hard to know what people want to fit in their case.

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If you are looking for a larger case, I would take a look at the storm sniper...but from a price standpoint that is going to cost you an extra 30$


What all are you looking for in the case other than size?

ins t

well i really like aesthetically the way the p183 looks. the it feels hefty enough to be sturdy but still retains that sophisticated look. If you got that.... haha :P

Mainly I would like a case that two years from now, i won't look back on and be like whoa i was obnoxious back then. like the antec 1200 with all those blue leds in the front. just not for me. i think LEDs are cool, but sometimes they overdo it for my tastes.

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