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Looking for a free, at home, workout program


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Most people honestly don't need a huge workout routine. If you have just recently "lost" your sharp physical characteristics just take a look at what your intake for food is , and adjust it to activity.


most people with a easy basic workout schedule (30mins to 1 hour a day) just have to watch what they eat.

not everyones body is going to digest bon-bon's as fast.


one of the MAJOR things that changed my body was completely cutting out carbonated beverages. (soda)

all that sugar and garbage adds up quick, hence back to watching what ya eat


find out what your body needs to run and find a way to replace poor meals with a simple food solution that your body accepts.


eating good = more than half the battle..


i was over 275lbs, now im under 170, and I did that in less than a year and still have my muscley legs =]

If you enjoy running, get a cheap sweatsuit, do things like mowing the lawn in them but don't eat after, only rehydrate.



theres alot of easy ways, i have bought P51 before, and i used it for a little bit, but my body just didn't respond like basic workout/weightlifting.



everyones body is different! now go overclock those abs before you end up with a 11 inch floppy!!!


btw - good luck, no workout succeeds without motivation!

Edited by cirro

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Just don't sign a contract with a gym. I made that mistake and I don't use my membership anymore as I am really trying to get done with school atm... They kinda screwed me into a 2 year membership that I was told I could cancel @ anytime... :-\



I was a member for peak, loved the rock climbing walla but that sure wasn't worht what i was paying.

then i cancel my membership and they open up another 24-7 fitness center right next to me with 3 levels...

-sigh- but i think i learned my lesson the first time :}

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another great thing to do is to eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3. You dont have to eat what you might think a small meal would be in between meals, just oatmeal or something like that would work. Make sure that what you are eating has less sugar than protein. There should also be less then half the calories from fat than total calories. Keeping your metabolism running all day long will speed it up and cause you to loose fat. Its hard to get used to for some people but it just takes proper planning. Doing thing will also give you energy throughout the entirety of the day. You should also continue this on weekends and not just during the week. Jumping rope is also a great cardio exercise. You should also drink at least a gallon of water a day and even more for strenuous exercise. Stay away from gatoraid at all costs. It has almost 3 cups of sugar and unless you run 25 miles your electrolytes will not be depleted and water will suffice.

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Yeah, downhill is awesome! but the injury rate is higher than ever. :(


Well im still alive :D

U can ride nice and slow at the beginning and choose the right spots for a beginner. Its best when u have a friend who is better than u. I know it from my own experience.

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I lost a lot of weight just through one simple routine: Pushups, Situps, and Running. Also, just eating right. Stop going to fast food restaurants, start replacing your pop with water, eat the right meals, et cetera. And when you're running, run hard enough to the point that when you finish, you're vomiting between gasps for air and you want someone to just shoot you and put you out of your misery. That's when you know you know you've had a good run. The endorphin release shortly afterwards makes it worth it.


Also, try Spark People. It's an extremely powerful diet and exercise planner that does most of the work for you. Put in some information, your goals, et cetera, and out cranks a list of exercises, meal plans, and much more. You can also use it to track your food intake too and see what you're really consuming. You'd be surprised at how many calories are in some of your favorite snacks.


And drink water.

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