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What am I doing wrong here? (awful temps)


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So recently I bought a used Asus P5B-E to confirm that my Asus p5q pro was dead. I confirmed that it was the broken part, so I reassembled my computer using the P5B-E and a new sunbeamtech core contact freezer. The first thing I did is check the hardware monitor and my temp was about 55C at idle! So I opened it back up and felt pretty silly because apparently I had mounted a new case fan backwards. But for some reason, fixing that barely helped. So I remounted my CCF using a bit less TX-2, but it only brought my temps down to 48C idle. However, I noticed that my vcore was automatically set to 1.3125, so I lowered it to 1.25. The temp difference was...... -2C. I then tried mounting the CCF another time, with basically no change.


tl;dr version: my e8400 is idling at 46C with a sunbeamtech core contact freezer.


And here's a pic. Does anything look obviously wrong? I know the cable management is crap right now, but moving them isn't making a difference. Neither is pressing the CCF towards the processor.



I'm thinking that it must not be getting good contact or something is wrong with the sensor. The fins don't feel warm, but I can feel a little warmth on the copper pipes. Cranking up the fan speed only results in like a 1C difference. Help me please, OCC.

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same case with me,,

i'm using phenom II x4 940 BE

with sunbeam CCF

on DFI motherboard


but the temp is still about 40


thing that confuse me,, when i not using the ccf,,

the exhaust fan exhaust hot wind,,

but now after i use ccf not even a warm wind come out

so this must be mean that my air is cooler there,

still,, the temp make me confuse :(

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Bump. I haven't even reinstalled windows yet. Would doing a recover with a new MB make it become messed up? I haven't used my computer in quite a while and it would be cool if I could just do the clean install later, when I have no plans.

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Hey, what are your ambient temperatures (temperature of the room the computer is in)?


Higher ambient temperatures will generally affect idle temperatures more drastically then under load. Try firing up some sort of stress test and get back with the temperatures under load!

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My ambient temperature is like 75F... I'll try the load testing though.


75F is a bit high. I saw a 4C difference in my CPU from ~74F ambient to ~66F ambient temperature when idling. However, the load only changed about 2C.

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Are the core temps the same or do they very.... (stupid question) did you remove the protection tap from the hsf before installing it? also what kind of TIM are you using?


Is the HSF contact plate Tweaked? Use a razor blade and see how far off the hsf is from being completly flat . (just might be the issue)

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Hmm well it seems that in speedfan, atleast, my CPU temp is different than my core temps. After a few minutes of P95, my CPU temp is 65C and my core 0 and core 1 temps are both 46C. Any ideas what is going on? I'm kind of wondering if my motherboard isn't just a bit weird, because it is 2 years old and it already has a broken sensor that is stuck at 121C.

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Anyone have any idea if that 65C on the "CPU" sensor is anything to worry about? The 2 cores don't go higher than 46C, so I'm wondering where the CPU sensor could be located that there would be almost a 20C difference.

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The cpu temp may either be wrong and the core temps are correct, or the software is mixing up the CPU and Core temps. CPU temp is read from the heat spreader of the CPU and the core temps are the direct temp of the cores. Try another program like EVEREST or even better HWMonitor (same place you get CPUID) and see what they say. Also see if there is a BIOS update for your motherboard which may fix temp reading problems. Core temps will be higher than headspreader temps.


Good Luck :)

Edited by XxHellxRaizerxX

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HWMonitor gives me the same results as Speedfan CPU- just below 65C, core 0 and 1- 46C. What it does show that other things have not shown is how messed up my +12V and +5V rails. If this is right, I have almost 13V on my +12V rail and 4.68V on my +5V rail. I know that my MB has updated bios, so I think I might just assume that the CPU sensor is messed up.

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