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I was concerned about my temps and this is the result!!!&#


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Hi all this is probably my first real post since i came here. i made a couple asking for recommendations for ocing a Q6600 then i happened to come across a good deal on a Q9550. Done my homework and managed to get it overclocked to 4.0ghz stable on 5 trips of intel burn test. Well i was worried about my temps on burn test since i was getting close to 80c with my current setup. Youll see links to picks in my sig as well as my listed hardware.


Since i was worried on my temps i decided to find a way to get better/more cooling without spending the money to do so. So i took my HSF off and took the Roswell Thermal paste off and applied a very thin coat of Artic Silver 5. My temps did drop a few degrees but were still in the high 70's. So i sat there thinking if i could get my ambient room temp down more maybe my overall Burn test temps would drop some. So i set out in my endeavor. And the total cost was 0 dollars. I managed to drop my temps from 80c on a 5 trip burn test to 70c and dropped my idle temps from 35c to 21c. i have been running this current cooling solution for 5 days now and yesterday it got up to 97degrees outside and had high humidity. My set up never formed any condensation at even one time. Yeah it looks like hell but it works and so far hasnt shown any ill effects but im monitoring my case and gear inside for anything out of the ordinary. The below links are pics of each temp and the actual set up.


My burn in temps with ambient room temp of 75F and CNPS9500LED HSF


My idle temps with my new cooling solution


My new cooling solution with 5 trips on Intel Burn Test


My actual Air duct to my HAF side fan It is slighty higher then the video card to push the majority of air onto my cpu bu tit also dropped my gtx260 temps from 40c idle to 30c


Post if you wanna make a comment of what ramifications i could see down the road with this set up as it is. Give me pointers if you see something i could do different. If you like comment on my overclock of the 9550 at 4.0ghz i managed to get my voltages to 1.31vcore. my 3dMark Vantage score with Physix enabled

My 3d Mark Vantage score Phisix disabled since Futuremark hasnt approved any of the GTX2XX series card drivers for use to upload to their site i use 3dMark 06 for my scores My max stable clock of 4.2ghz REALLY high temps on burn test

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I have no idea why my temps on cores 2 and 3 are so much higher then 0 and 1 it was that way when i first got the cpu


oh im defiantly gonna paint it or get my cousin at his machine shop to make one out of steel or aluminum. hell the wife is prolly gonna make me take it down anyways cause yes it is very ghetto but its a mock up just to see how well it performs


Im thinking of taking a section of the window out and adding it there as a fixed attachment. but i dunno cause theres so many things ive got going on in my head that i wanna do. but i know for one thing my temps are lower then my buddies is and hes running a Swiftech Rad with an Apogee GTX water block. We have the same case, cpu, and mobo but his is water cooled.

Edited by Gunner75

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Good results, ugly mod. I have committed some computer atrocities but you are twisted my friend. Maybe try and find something that can do the same thing and not look unsightly, like oh I don't know, some actually ducting. It's a good start though.

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I thought about this in the past but I was worried about condensation inside the case.


I was a bit concerned about that as well but according to my research as long as the dew point of the air inside of my house dew point= humidity then there should not be any concern of condensation forming. i left my tower run at idle all night last night and this morning there was lots of fog out and the realitive humidity was 75% inside the relative humidity was 40% i checked over my case throughly and never found one drop of moisture inside or outside. id say so far a success. this is day 6

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JMO, bit with just 1.312v, the mid 60c seams a little high.


When I pump 1.36 to 1.38 volts through my Q9650, I am still in the mid 50c (56c highest reading)


Unless you plan on going with liquid cooling in the future, I would just save up and get a good cpu cooler.


For me to hit 70c, I need to push 1.56v through my cpu.


Just thinking out loud!

Good luck!

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JMO, bit with just 1.312v, the mid 60c seams a little high.


When I pump 1.36 to 1.38 volts through my Q9650, I am still in the mid 50c (56c highest reading)


Unless you plan on going with liquid cooling in the future, I would just save up and get a good cpu cooler.


For me to hit 70c, I need to push 1.56v through my cpu.


Just thinking out loud!

Good luck!


Me and the rest of my crew who build together have tested this on 5 seperate Q9550's, and the temps are on par with most of the builds, all but 2 have 932 cases. and 2 of all of us are on water cooling, my normal idle temps before the addition of the air vent were 30c max load temps on burn test hit 70-75 when i was overclocked to 4.3 but i was never stable. i never got stable till i hit 4.2 and my burn test temps were 65-70c but for the sake of better scores i downclocked to 4.0 i know its odd. This heat sink works fine. the Zalman 9500 comes with a mirror finish and im not about to lap the cpu for a few degrees.


Last i checked no 1 cpu is the same as the next. one of my guys got a dud 9550 and couldnt get it to post past 3.5ghz and hes got about 10 years of cpu overclocking on me and me on 1 year. Lucky for him Microcenter allowed him to exchange it for another 9550 no questions asked.

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Now where is that CNPS9500, oh here it is, 100th place.


Still, doesn't matter because in normal computing/gaming you won't come anywhere near the heat generated by IBT.


So, with a thermal spec of 71.4c (case temp, not core) even at 75c IBT your more than within Intels specs.

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