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Oil Cooling

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I will be posting the setup work log under the modding section since there is the proper place for it.



It was rightly posted about water being more good for heat transfer due to it's specific gravity and density ie: viscosity

but since it is submerged the area covered by the oil will be greater those over all will do the same job. but with oil i could make other things that with water i can't for example go for greeter temperature with out the risk of change of state since it flash point is very much higher then that of change of state by water also talking under the same atmospheric pressure.


Using transformer oil actually is batter because of it's basic characteristic of holding frequencies hence effecting less the resonance with in the power transformers area on the main board and and in the power supply.

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We are talking about submersion not watercooling (aka with a pump etc) you can submerge with water provided its pure. (from what i have read)


The orig. post said nothing about submersion, everyone else started in on it. i was just noting the properties of the chosen fluid.

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Puget Systems near where I live did one a couple of years ago. Without circulating the oil through a radiator, they had CPU temps up to 80c when overclocked. They added an external radiator and pump to cool the mineral oil and the temps dropped quite a bit. Here is the link for the page about it as well as some graphs of the temps they had with and without the external radiator. This idea has had brief moments in the sun from time to time for over 10 years now, and there is even a case available that you can buy with mineral oil submersion cooling in mind.


Oh yeah....french fries.

Edited by taowulf

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Hi friends i will be testing a setup with oil cooling using mineral /transformer oil has any one had such an experience before?


My idea is to use a passive system and just cooling he oil with a complete passive system so no noise.


Any suggestions please?

i recomend large heat exchangers with lots of surface area and some good sized fans...

it worked for my ol '72 superbeetle baja bug...!! :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks a lot for the suggestions provided. I had read the Puget System my idea is also to make it look more funky..


No , you were right man. Oil cooler than coonlant ( I work in machine shop use oil to cooldown with touch material ) but one thing you should worry is a pump .It's can stop anytime , must use a pump make by metal so you OK.

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