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I hate patching WOW


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Ok so I havn't played wow in about 9 months, I only play during the summer for some reason but I was feeling the urge to just play. So I bought my game card and went home and started downloading the patches. This was 3 days ago. Pulling down 4 gigs plus on a 256k connection is no mean feat. The only reason I have such a slow connection is I live way out in the boondocks and the cheapest internet (non satellite or dial up) is $46 a month for 256K.

Seriously, do the people at blizzard just hate people with slow connections? Is there any need for a new little patch every week or so? Seriously I understand the wrath of the lich king dropped but why do I have to download a 2.5 gig patch for an expansion I don't even have? why not like a small patch so I can see death knights and lvl 80s. I know for a game you have to pay $15 a month for you should expect some good support but seriously, do you need to give me a day every week where I can't play cus the friggin servers are down for maintenance. I'm downloading at an absolute max of 30kbs and its like RAWR!!! I WANT IT TO BE DONE! I just wanna go run an instance or two, I just wanna go grind away at some random mobs, I just wanna play. I get it my connections sucks but I just wanna game. I've played through the Half Life series again just waiting and I've still got probably another day of downloading to go.


If you made it this far I thank you for your patience and I'm gonna go play through Deus Ex again.

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Ok so I havn't played wow in about 9 months, I only play during the summer for some reason but I was feeling the urge to just play. So I bought my game card and went home and started downloading the patches. This was 3 days ago. Pulling down 4 gigs plus on a 256k connection is no mean feat. The only reason I have such a slow connection is I live way out in the boondocks and the cheapest internet (non satellite or dial up) is $46 a month for 256K.

Seriously, do the people at blizzard just hate people with slow connections? Is there any need for a new little patch every week or so? Seriously I understand the wrath of the lich king dropped but why do I have to download a 2.5 gig patch for an expansion I don't even have? why not like a small patch so I can see death knights and lvl 80s. I know for a game you have to pay $15 a month for you should expect some good support but seriously, do you need to give me a day every week where I can't play cus the friggin servers are down for maintenance. I'm downloading at an absolute max of 30kbs and its like RAWR!!! I WANT IT TO BE DONE! I just wanna go run an instance or two, I just wanna go grind away at some random mobs, I just wanna play. I get it my connections sucks but I just wanna game. I've played through the Half Life series again just waiting and I've still got probably another day of downloading to go.


If you made it this far I thank you for your patience and I'm gonna go play through Deus Ex again.



Well being that you haven't played in some time, there was alot of added content over the past year or so. They released another Expansion "Wrath of the Lich King" If you were to go and buy that and install it, it would likely make the amount you have to download a whole lot less.


Since the expansion there has already been a major content patch, along with several patches that fixed various aspects of the game. Ulduar came out and is a huge content patch. However like I said, if you bought WOTLK it would include all of the stuff that was added before Wrath on disk.


If you have a friend with a faster connection to you should see if he would let you download the patches needed as well.

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Let me get this straight,


If you do NOT buy an expansion for WoW, you are then forced to download it??? Presumably so all the people that DID buy it, can use there new weapons on you.


Sounds like a pyramid PONZY scheme, and I am GLAD I do not play MMO's!


Any game, which brings out an expansion, but effectively forces it onto other users is a con. I heard rumours that BF2 did that. I am not sure though.

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Let me get this straight,


If you do NOT buy an expansion for WoW, you are then forced to download it??? Presumably so all the people that DID buy it, can use there new weapons on you.


Sounds like a pyramid PONZY scheme, and I am GLAD I do not play MMO's!


Any game, which brings out an expansion, but effectively forces it onto other users is a con. I heard rumours that BF2 did that. I am not sure though.


You are not forced to download it.



With the expansion came added content just for wow in general, they changed alot of the 'old world' things, including a new Harbor in Stormwind along with a bunch of other stuff that needs to be patched in weather or not you buy the expansion (this content was patched in for no additional charge in 3.0.1 in preparation for the expansion), you can play it vanilla if you want but your not going to have much fun once you reach 60. You buy the expansion pack for the added content outside traditional 'Azeroth'.

Edited by greengiant912

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Any game, which brings out an expansion, but effectively forces it onto other users is a con. I heard rumours that BF2 did that. I am not sure though.


Nobody forces you to upgrade, but when all your friends (and 8 million other people) upgrade... then you do too

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And thats my point exactly!


If I was perfectly happy with an un-patched/un-expanded game, I am now pretty much FORCED to upgrade purely because everyone else has.


I guess I am just no the target market. When your paying

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