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Police officer uses Taser on male student at High School


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I'm surprsied nobody has brought up the fact that why do children need cell phones at school in the first place?

King, this is crazy talk! Without cellphones, how will teenagers establish a bloated self-image? How will they learn that they are better than others? How will they learn the importance of large doses of banal chit-chat?




Seriously though, you're absolutely right. I think cellphones should be banned in all grade schools. I don't have any patience for little kids incessantly yacking on cellphones or texting while they walk and getting in everyone's way. It's bad enough adults do this crap.

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I don't want to sound like the old mean guy. I'd like to think most kids do what they are supposed to.


However, it seems some have never been taught the word no, it is a bad word and we don't say no to our child, right?


Liberal thinking produces consequences.

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I'm surprsied nobody has brought up the fact that why do children need cell phones at school in the first place?


Some schools ban cell phones.

My friend's wife is a high school teacher and the garbage that goes on today by these children is amazing.


I'd have to agree but realistically it's not going to happen. Even if cell phones were banned kids would still bring them to school and use them and if you take them away the school can't legally keep them if a parents wants them back.


Cheap, small, affordable cell phones are rather new to our social environment only been about 10 years. Hopefully over time the idea of using a cell phone in class will be seen as just as rude as not raising your hand when you want to ask or answer a question the teacher asked.

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I'm 21 and I've used a cellphone like 50 times in my life, I only use them for emergencies and to talk with my dad on his cellphone (its free).


However, it seems some have never been taught the word no, it is a bad word and we don't say no to our child, right?

Liberal thinking produces consequences.

Off topic.


I completely agree though.


I was a rebel when I was younger, still am to this day actually but I knew my place and I did what I was told when someone who meant something to me told me to do so.

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I think this is totally wrong.


If you disagree with a law then you should become a part of the system and vote for new ones. This is the solution offered to you. Just because you don't agree with a law doesn't give you the right to disregard it. That a ridiculous idea. If you only had to follow the laws you personally agreed with the whole world would be anarchy.


Also, if you're saying you don't have to "respect the law" and meaning you that you don't have to agree with the written laws, then that's correct. You don't have to agree with them, and no one asked you to. But you do have to follow them. If you don't the consequences are well documented.


If when you say you don't have to "respect the law" means that you don't have to obey police officers, then you're totally wrong. They have the authority to hurt and/or arrest you if you don't listen to them. I'd love to see you stand in front of a judge and try to explain why you shouldn't be punished because you don't agree with the law :lol: "You see, your honor, I shoved the cop because he said I was breaking the law, but I think that law is wrong, sir." :lol:


You obviously did not read all of my post.

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You obviously did not read all of my post.

I did read your post. I quoted it. Maybe instead of making an essentially meaningless post like this, you could tell me what I supposedly got wrong.

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"A second incident occurred this morning in the district, when a loaded 9-mm handgun was confiscated from a sixth-grade girl after she passed through a metal detector at Linton Middle School.


After the detector went off, security personnel checked the 11-year-old girl's plastic swim bag, where they found the gun. The gun had been reported stolen out of Uniontown, Fayette County.


The girl told police that she did not know the gun was in her bag. Police are investigating who was at her home the night before and might have place it in the bag."


thats halarious... :huh:


i didnt even know what pot was in 6th grade. was her family hidding guns on here? what is the deal with that.


So some kid got tased, i theres a lack of real detail on how exacly that went down in the artical. sounds kinda standard though. the taser was a bit much, but i might let the whole thing slide and call it even, the kid was being an r-tard. Maybe an apology both ways and some community service 40 hours for both.


mabe ask the officer if he tases his kids at home when they give him lip. lol

write the kid a ticket

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The public schools system along with poor parenting are the blame for a child's poor attitude and behavior.


Teachers have little authority anymore.

If a child uses the f word or punches another person all a teacher can do is make them sit in the hall outside the classroom or "send them to the office". There is little consequence and the children know it.


I'm not saying teachers should be able to put a hand of a child but there has to be better procedure when these unruly kids act out.


@ Andrew, that is good to know. I have that voice in my head as well that keeps me from doing things I shouldn't. What is scary though is that a lot of people don't.

Edited by Kingfisher

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Teachers have little authority anymore.

If a child uses the f word or punches another person all a teacher can do is make them sit in the hall outside the classroom or "send them to the office". There is little consequence and the children know it.


This was true when I was in high school over a decade ago and I'm sure it's only getting worse with the way entitlement mentality is taking over our culture. I agree also that the solution should not be to get physical with them because that's not a teacher's role (plus a lot of teachers would get REALLY hurt). I think the solution should just be to throw them out. It should be easier to boot them for good. If they don't want to be there then get out! Stop disrupting the kids that actually do want to make something of themselves.


Of course, this won't happen either because ultimately it's about money and if they boot the kids their enrollment numbers go down so they get less money.

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Of course, this won't happen either because ultimately it's about money and if they boot the kids their enrollment numbers go down so they get less money.


That's a big one.


It's a delicate balance too little punishment on children cause them to become spoiled, bratty young adults and too much punishment increases drop out rates which then causes either the kid to turn to a life of crime or be a leach and live off of welfare both of which will hurt our society in the long run.

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Maybe what they should do is make a kid that's been booted out of school a financial burden on the parents. That's the only way you can motivate "bad" parents anyways (with money). So what if parents didn't get their dependent tax credits for their kids if they weren't in school? If the kid's home all day, he can get a job, so why are we paying for him? That way the parents actually have something to fear from their kid getting the boot and they can in-turn motivate their kid to stay in school. Now the teachers' threats of getting kicked out have a lot more meaning in that scenario.

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Maybe what they should do is make a kid that's been booted out of school a financial burden on the parents. That's the only way you can motivate "bad" parents anyways (with money). So what if parents didn't get their dependent tax credits for their kids if they weren't in school? If the kid's home all day, he can get a job, so why are we paying for him? That way the parents actually have something to fear from their kid getting the boot and they can in-turn motivate their kid to stay in school. Now the teachers' threats of getting kicked out have a lot more meaning in that scenario.


I don't see how you could make it a finical burden on parents. Most kids drop out when there 17-18 years old and correct me if I'm wrong but I believe you cannot claim a child on your taxes when he or she turns 18 so parents would only lose about 1 or 2 years of tax credits. In most of the drop out situations I have seen after the kids drops out of school they typically move out of the house and don't have a home and live from place to place or pool there money together with other people and rent an apartment. It's a tough life because job opportunities are very limited and typically are hard labor or undesirable low paying. Because there jobs are so low paying and most of the time they cannot meat ends at the end of the month they will go and apply for food stamps, go to the hospitals when there sick and get free health care because the likely hood they have health insurance is pretty low, and also apply for wealth fare payments. Or they could turn to a life of crime which means we have to hire more police officers to protect our comunites, pay for more court costs and legal fees, and build bigger prisons to hold them in.


All these things food stamps, free hospital healthcare, welfare payments, stepping up police patrols, court costs and legal fees, and building bigger prisons all cost money and we the tax payer pay for all these things so that's how we will end up paying for him.

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