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What Am I?

r3d c0m3t

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Instead of digging up the rather old, dead and buried thread...I figured it was better to start a new thread for a new year.

For those of you that remember I started this game sometime last year, for those of you that have never seen this thread around I'll recite the rules new for 2009...


1. All problems must end in "What Am I?"

2. There can only be two clues (Originally one) per post, and you can cue in a new clue when it's necessary. As in, you can't start off with several clues unless they're truly ambiguous, then and only then are more than two clues allowed.

3. You can use simple text clues, you can use pictorial clues and these pictures can be disguised or distorted anyway you see fit within recognition.

4. Hardware has to be from 1979 (Originally 1987) and onward.

5. If you guess incorrectly, you're allowed three more guesses (for a total of four, originally two..then three) before you're exempt from that particular problem, and then you're only allowed to participate again once that problem has been solved.

6. If you guess correctly it will be your turn.

7. Each problem is valid up to 8 hours (originally 6) and if no one guesses correctly within those allotted eight hours, any user with the intent to post a new problem reserves the right to claim that unsolved mystery "dead" and post a fresh problem of their own, or can guess the answer (if known) and effectively get that problem back into motion.


I'll get this going again with the following...


For I am the only one capable of displaying your thoughts...

At the end of the day, I may very well have "talked" more than you have...


What Am I?


EDIT: Compacted the rules to save up some space, and added a scoreboard.




Redtigerdragon - 5

XxHellxRaizerxX - 5

Gabrieltessin - 5

l33t P1mp - 4

Savan - 4

Reganon - 4

Deathmineral - 3

DLS2008 - 3

AJW256 - 2

nVidia_Freak - 1

Crazy_Nate - 1

Edited by r3d c0m3t

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