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I have been looking at a specific processor and would like to know if I can overclock it. here is the link:




yes, you need to make sure your motherboard will support overclocking as well. If you are building your own system then 99% of them will allow you to overclock. Also note that CPU is OEM so you need to purchase your own cpu heatsink!

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absolutely, like the above poster stated this cpu can be overclocked...


what motherboard do you plan to put it in?



in order to overclock, a good third party cpu cooler is pretty essential anyway...


so nothing wrong with not getting a stock one, as they're pretty useless for overclocking anyway.



also very important to overclocking is cooling...


what case do you plan to put this setup in?



some cpu's come with unlocked multiplier's, and this does make overclocking easier and a bit more efficient...


but it's not essential.



overclocking can be done by raising the front side bus as well...


there are many threads on this forum that should help you out, as well as some guides.


here is one such guide...


have fun!

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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Are you building an entire computer? Honestly, I wouldn't start with a Q6700 if I was building from scratch...


If you haven't bought a motherboard, seriously look at a Phenom II 940 and a 790X/FX/GX motherboard :)

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Well, if you're sticking with LGA 775, I'd look at the 45nm Yorkfields over the 65nm Kentsfields...but, that's just me :)



If I were to look at these processors where would I find Them to buy and what processor would you suggest if I wanted to overclock it to 3.7 to 3.8 for a first time build?

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right here seems to be the easiest and one of the best deals around...


fantastic cpu and it has an unlocked multiplier.



this is assuming you might wanna go the amd route...


prices for intel tend to run higher, much higher in many cases.

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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