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GTX 275 or 285

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I'm in the process of upgrading my GPU and decided on a GTX 275.

I placed an order for an XFX GTX275 from scan.co.uk but they had none in stock so i decided to buy it from Overclockers UK and saw an Asus GTX285 for

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It really all depends, if you like to game at a decent resolution with high quality levels but leaving AA off you should be fine with the GTX 275. But if you want resolutions higher than 1920x1080 and you want AA on aswell it might be a better choice with the GTX 285.


It would be easier to recommend aswell with your system specs so we can get a little bit of an overview, and what resolution are you planning on gaming on? Aswell as what games your are planning to play.



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Cheers for replying :thumbs-up:


Well my current screen is 1680x1050 but I'll be upgrading to a 1920x1200 or 1080 in a few weeks. The only higher resolution I've seen is 2560x1600 and they're all way out of my price range.

I'll be playing Crysis, Flight Simulator X, Demigod, Supreme Commander, maybe Far Cry 2. And obviously all my oldies :)

I'd like to play high graphics as I can really.


My specs are

Q9300 (Stock now, overclocked soon)

Asus P5N-D

4Gb ram

2x 9600gt


As I have the sli option I'm thinking of adding a second card further down the line. I think 650W should handle both?


Iv'e heard good things about XFX but am not sure about ASUS gpus.

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I would say GTX285 because you are upgrading to the higher resolution :)

GTX275 is better if you are going for price/performance.




Seeing as your already on SLI im kind of leaning towards a GTX 275 SLI setup, its only slightly more expensive than the single GTX 285 and it would give you a hell of alot of performance for the money your spending. In my oppinion if your going for a single GTX 285 i would have spent a tiny bit more and get 2x GTX 275's

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Seeing as your already on SLI im kind of leaning towards a GTX 275 SLI setup, its only slightly more expensive than the single GTX 285 and it would give you a hell of alot of performance for the money your spending. In my oppinion if your going for a single GTX 285 i would have spent a tiny bit more and get 2x GTX 275's


If your going to SLI 2x275's straight off the bat you may as well get a 295 as its same performance and cheaper overall.


And more bragging rights.

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I can only afford to get one right now, if I went for 2 (or the 295) I'd have to stay with my 1680X1050 screen which would probably be a bit overkill :P

The ASUS 285 is

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If you're going SLI you can get 2 gtx 260s 216 cores and get way more performance for about the same price as a 285. Granted 2 285s or 275s would be better, but I really don't think its worth the price... especially not at 1080p. SLI 260s will crush anything around at 1980x1080.


This is $179 after rebate.

Edited by 9KRacing

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Cheers for the input guys, decided to go for the 285 and then get another one later on.

Should be here tomorrow but don't finish exams till day after, will be tough to revise :P


Cheers again :)

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