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it's name is officially stripped off it at the point of decomission. also it may have been a WWII era ship when it was built, but that doesn't mean wasn't retro fitted to work with modern equipment. look at the Iowa class battleships that ripped up iraq's costal defenses in the first gulf war. they saw combat in WWII and were still going strong 50 years later. I do believe that one of them was recomissioned by Bush over a year ago, and is being refitted to launch cruise missles and use it's big guns for shore bombardment (very cost effective weapon capable of launching a shell that weighs several tons over 30 miles :) NOW THAT'S WHAT I WANT)

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It would be intersting to find out the name and see what service it saw. It's like going to a junkyard and finding a frame of an old Camero.


I still want a spitfire. Maybe i'll settle and build a P-5151 (ultralite version of a P-51)

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We'll buy it! we haven't had an aircraft carrier since the H.m.a.s. Melbourne was sold off for scrap... :D



We could go fishing and have awesome BBQ's off 'that' deck :P

you guys had this very one

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It may be small next to say the ronald regan, but it's not something you just stick in a little pond and call it a day.



"Mom I am away out for a spin in the aircraft carrier. Ok son have fun" oh and im taking half the city with me :lol:

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o man i cant see the bid either. ill say one thing tho it dosnt surprise me.the russians once sold a sub to the mafia for like 100 mil it also came with a training package.the good oll usa army also bought a crap load of russian armored equipment so our souldiers could train against it and that to came with a training package.that equipment is still in use today we used it to train out souldiers to fight the iraque war.

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