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Couple of quick questions

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Alright sweet, Thanks for baring with me here, its just I am obsessing over little things, but I just want to get this perfect.


Motherboards :


Gigabyte UD4H : http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...84&Tpk=UD4H


Maybe this Asus M4a78-E : http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...N82E16813131368


Basically I want to OC my phenom II 940 as far as it can go, and would like more expansion slots than one (UD4H has one X16 on X8). Price range I would say about 150-200 CAD. I would rather stay away from DFI because of their terrible customer service.


For RAM, I am pretty lost I am guessing these : http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...N82E16820231211

If they dont come back in stock soon I might just get the 800 MHz ones

I've owned all Asus's before this and other than the two being crappy nvidia chipsets...the one 975X chipset one was (and still is) a good board. I absolutely love the Gigabyte 1000x better but I can't give Gigabyte all the credit since it is the Extreme edition and also it's a P45 chipset and all P45's are great.


In other words either one will be fine, though Gigabyte's site works alot better than Asus's. I usually just type my mobo's name in google and it takes me to the overview page where I can download my new bioses and drivers and such.

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Since you're not overclocking the ram at all... no sense in getting ones with big heatsinks. This kit is perfect for you and a little cheaper. Plus it uses only 1.9 volts. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...N82E16820231219

crap I forgot to mention the memory, I agree with shiver, it's really the same chips underneath. You aren't getting screwed because you don't have PI's likewise I could have just gotten the OCZ Platinums and been just as happy.

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Alright thanks for the ram link becauuse I wanted to get something with smaller heatsinks so I could be sure the cooler would fit. I might try to OC to 900mhz 4-4-4-12


Any other good mobos in my price range?

If I were to buy a Phenom II right now it'd be with this board http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...N82E16813138130, I've heard good things about Biostar (I heard for a while that they had the best clocking P45 around, I'm not sure if that's still true or not) I know their TPower line is very good though.

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But isn't the gigabyte better then the BiOStar? The biostar seems cheaply made, and the gigabyte

Hasmore features

are you going to use those features though, i mean the Gigabyte is more expensive so it better offer more features :P. I've never owned one but Biostar is a very respectable board manufacturer. You see me using a Gigabyte but I still would go for that Biostar in a heart beat if I were to buy an X4 940 today.

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What features does the biostar have over the gigabyte? I can buy the gigabyte locally though so I don't risk having to RMA if it's DOA. Also gigabyte seems more sturdy and better bios (I think)


*Edit* I have one Scythe Slipstream 1.2K RPM, which fan should I replace/move in my case (Antec P180, there is a top fan, rear fan and no fan in the front)

Edited by TheConqueror

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Wait guys, I am in fact going to be overclocking my Phenom II 940, i want to push it as far as possible. Which RAM should I choose? I would like to avoid tall heatpipes since I am not sure if they will fit with my TRUE 120 (just came in today :D)

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