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Q6600 OC help


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Hi guys. I want to OC my cpu but i don't know how. I'M beginner in this level. please show me how. my mobo is asus striker II formula 780i .


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I'd suggest starting with the pinned topics in the Overclocking forum. The information is out there if you're willing to look for it. Do a bit of reading and then come back with more specific questions.

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If you haven't I would first read the how to overclock thread posted in the overclocking and cooling section.


The process of overclocking isn't too complex in it self, however there are many minor things that need to be accounted for in the process, because of this it can be complicated to do correctly and produce quality results. If after you've read the how to overclock thread you still have questions then come back here and post, but for one of us to re iterate whats already been posted in depth would be a nuisance.


That being said, I will tell you that the Q6600 is an excellent overclocker, did you by chance get a G0 stepping? If you have a peek in my signature you can see what the Q6600 is capable of if you get lucky with a low Vid and you got a G0. With excellent air cooling its possible to get up and beyond 4ghz, while 4ghz is rarely seen by most Q6600's it is possible if you luck out and get a crazy overclocker like I did. If you did get a G0 then you've taken a step in the right direction, now go read the how to overclock thread and get started!


Any if you still have questions come back here and post!

Edited by Gr4vitas

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If you haven't I would first read the how to overclock thread posted in the overclocking and cooling section.


The process of overclocking isn't too complex in it self, however there are many minor things that need to be accounted for in the process, because of this it can be complicated to do correctly and produce quality results. If after you've read the how to overclock thread you still have questions then come back here and post, but for one of us to re iterate whats already been posted in depth would be a nuisance.


That being said, I will tell you that the Q6600 is an excellent overclocker, did you by chance get a G0 stepping? If you have a peek in my signature you can see what the Q6600 is capable of if you get lucky with a low Vid and you got a G0. With excellent air cooling its possible to get up and beyond 4ghz, while 4ghz is rarely seen by most Q6600's it is possible if you luck out and get a crazy overclocker like I did. If you did get a G0 then you've taken a step in the right direction, now go read the how to overclock thread and get started!


Any if you still have questions come back here and post!




The Q6600 is a terrific overclocker, but it can be a pain especially if you have GTL's to work with. Then again, overclocking itself isn't exactly a walk in the park.


If you know what I mean. Good luck, and if you need any help you could PM me as I have a Q6600 and am pretty familiar with it, or simply ask us as a whole.


Whatever your choice, we'll gladly help. :thumbs-up:

Edited by r3d c0m3t

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The Q6600 is a terrific overclocker, but it can be a pain especially if you have GTL's to work with. Then again, overclocking itself isn't exactly a walk in the park.


If you know what I mean. Good luck, and if you need any help you could PM me as I have a Q6600 and am pretty familiar with it, or simply ask us as a whole.


Whatever your choice, we'll gladly help. :thumbs-up:

at one time the Q6600 was a good clocker but if he just purchased it, G0 stepping or not, he may still have a poor clocker.

Is the striker an nvidia board I forget, (I hate the naming of those high end asus boards, i remember that Rampage was the x48 I think but I forget what the striker is)

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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