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Am I good with this hard drive?


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Hey guys. Anyway one of my schools computers broke down, and so I bought a hard drive for half the price from my principal.


Anyway its a Seagate Barracuda 7200:10


Now I heard horror stories about Seagate, that they break down etc. But I want to know if this one will fail me. Its 250GB which is more than enough for me, but if it isn't I will add another later on. Anyway do these models fail or am I good?

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the 7200.10 series are fine it was the 7200.11 that had trouble and I believe they are fixed now as well...but you're good to go...just check the drive with diagnostics (Seatools) like Checkdisk and such to make sure it's fine..;)

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Yeah I think your good,


Seagate is among one of the best brands and millions of the 7200.10 have been shipped so if they were really bad they would have stopped selling them, most hard drives nowadays have a warranty of 3-5 years so on average a hard drive should probably be lasting you about 5-6 years depending on use, the hard drive technology has been around for ages its pretty refined.


Go and enjoy your half price hard drive!

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Yeah I have had several generations of Seagates and never an issue with any of them.


I still prefer WD, but as Seagates had the only drives greater than 1 TB I went with them and they perform extremely well.


I get over 370MBps read speeds from my RAID 5 in the server build in my sig.

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You should be fine with the 7200.10 series drive, Seagate are an excellent drive manufacturer and as stated the recent problem was related to the 7200.11 series which has been fixed with a firmware update. Don't be influenced by people who claim a companies product line is crap, because of a glitch with 1 model! That's just nuts and Seagates warranty is one of the best. I currently have 10 1TB Seagate 7200.11's running 24/7 on workstations at work, none have failed or produced any errors.


Just for info, Seagate were not alone with recent problems to their range, WD have also had a problem. http://www.silentpcreview.com/Terabyte_Drive_Fix this has also been corrected with a firmware update.

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