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chipset voltage on p45 boards


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They are both set to auto, Kit.


That is the nub of your problem then.


As i don't run a quad myself, i can't give you a lot of help as to what to set them to. But if you head over to DFI Club and look in the overclocking database, it should give you an idea of the sort of settings you might need at the clock your running. A different mobo to yours i know, but it will be a good starting point.

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That is the nub of your problem then.


As i don't run a quad myself, i can't give you a lot of help as to what to set them to. But if you head over to DFI Club and look in the overclocking database, it should give you an idea of the sort of settings you might need at the clock your running. A different mobo to yours i know, but it will be a good starting point.


Thanks Kitfit, you are amazing my friend. :D

I have noticed a few threads(this is one example) over at xtreme about the VTT and GTLR.

I'll take a look over at DFI club and see what I can find as well and maybe say hello to some old friends. :D

I am going to do some homework and see if I can't this chip going.

Edited by Kingfisher

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quick update to my NB problems...

After reading through this monster I am having very good results so far.

Testing my NB voltages between 1.24 and 1.30v I am prime testing 3.85 ghz without failing inside a few minutes.

I'm also fiddling with trying to keep GTL refs as close to .8 as possible and seem to be making progress.

Never have had more fun clocking a chip before, love these quads. :thumbs-up:

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I run 1.4v on my NB just so I know that's not limiting me in anyway, and it deserves to since I have that rediculously huge stock copper cooler on it lol (contrary to when I ran 1.36v in those pics up there)

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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Still having trouble getting to 3.85, :blush:

I have been concentrating on 3.75ghz and have finally managed to pass Prime stable for another 18+ hours.

I am going to take a break for a few days and then resume.


I should have plenty of headroom left.

1.3v to the nb, 1.34v for vtt( board uses multi's for GTL, .65 being the best choice atm) and 1.225vcore.

cpu pll is at 1.54v

Temps are still around 50-51c full load.


Temps likelywill become my main problem and water cooling may be the final answer if I actually think about going 24/7 with the higher clocks.(which is bordering on silly, heck I was happy with performance back @ 3.4ghz :P )

Still though, it is fun to see how high I can get it. :thumbs-up:

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