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Sacred 2: Fallen Angel....


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Anyone playing? You should be...

IMO this is a total sleeper hit and as gotten nowhere near the good press it deserves. S2 is as much fun as Diablo ever was, only 1000x better looking and sounding. The game world is enormous and with a level cap of 200!, "Light" and "Dark" campaigns and decent MP you can can get more than your money's worth out of play time. The game play is simple but not boring or tedious, character customization is deep, more than a simple "skill tree" your "base type" avar gets atributes, skills (10 from 4 groups), combat arts (15 types from 3 styles)with there own enhancement trees and a combo system. Plus a "rune system" for an added bouns. Mounts and mounted combat(very cool) once found there's a quest for a spcialized class mount.....(you'll never use a horse again ;) )The writers never take the game to serious, its loaded with humor(even in loading screens). S2 has a few technical gliches, its nothing serious, an infrequent crash and 1 or 2 side quests(out of hundreds) that are broke....for the most part the game is well patched atm and completely playable.

If you're looking for some good fun for killing these inside winter hours check out Sacred2


Edited by PaiN

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I'm afraid I played it too early, I didn't find it to be that good.. But i have seen alot of patches and content updates for it now, maybe its time to reinstall!

What levels and race are you? I was about level 30 with my Inquisitor. The "epic" mount was pretty cool!

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My question is: How's the SecuROM version?


Also, has anyone noticed how the price of new releases has gone up about $10 on average?

Edited by QMax

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I have a level 40something High Elf and I'm a little bored. The side quests are very repetitive and there's a TON of text to read if you want to have any idea of what's going on. The equipment customization is pretty sweet, but the complete lack of variation in Combat Arts kills it for me. You get 15 skills total, only 1 or 2 of which will be end game viable, depending on your build. If you're playing a primary caster (it seems to me) you'll use one or two attack skills with very little strategy at all.


Since the enemies level up when you do, there's really no point in leveling, since you can go anywhere in the whole game and the difficulty just scales with you. Makes it nonlinear I suppose, but it feels like you're not really making much progress.


The sense of humor, as was previously mentioned, is positively ridiculous. The little quips and "breaking the 4th wall" comments make the game unintentionally funny. At first, I really liked Sacred 2, it was a LOT of fun to play, but it requires a very large time commitment to uncover the interesting content.


Lastly, Sacred 2 has a quest with the single best quest reward of any RPG EVER. If you know who Blind Guardian is, you'll know what I'm talking about ;)

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