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you should still be fine haha. are you running that 1tb externally or internally.


i'll be running it internally, i have another 750 GB running externally for backups, but that doesnt require power from the psu

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i'll be running it internally, i have another 750 GB running externally for backups, but that doesnt require power from the psu

harddrives don't use that much power, plus both harddrives (the internal ones) won't be running full speed at the same time unless you are doing direct file transfers and even then you will come nowhere close to full power.


That Tom's Hardware power consumption analysis was with a 4.0ghz OC'd 920 i7 btw. Your other harddrive won't draw 150 watts all it's own. What kind of power supply do you have?


this is the red version of my 750W powersupply which is a great power supply! It's much cheaper than the Antec one you mentioned earlier and will well accommodate you with the hardware you will be running


and here's the page of that Tom's Hardware review, specifically the page with what the test system is

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Ya...as much stuff as you listed, hard drives, from my knowledge, really stay pretty passive in between uses and dont really pull alot of power. Think of a psu as a dam on a river of electricity. As your components require more electrical power, the dam opens wider and wider allowing more current to flow through. Now, a 750w psu is a large damn capable of letting a ton of current through. I do not see , even with 2 gtx 295, your system pulling more than 850watts, but like I said, I have no degree in this.

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Hmm, well here's a stupid question. If I were to buy a 1100W power supply but my system is only using 750W, is the power supply still going to draw 1100W of electricity or is it only going to draw 750W? (should have paid more attention in physics)


Just wondering because I plan to tri sli in the future and that's gonna crank up the power consumption and I don't wanna have to buy a new power supply.


Since the question was never fully answered, a power supply will use as much power as your computer needs plus thermal inefficiencies. So, slightly more than what your computer is using (good PSUs are 80+ efficiency certified). Not full rated power, unless you are actually using that much.


Finding the right size is a matter of: running it in the maximum efficiency range (the efficiency changes depending on load - there's a kind of sweet spot), having adequate power when the demand is there (gaming, stress testing, benchmarking, etc) and, of course, price. :)


I'd recommend taking a look at some of OCC's PSU reviews to help clarify this a little more.

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I do not see , even with 2 gtx 295, your system pulling more than 850watts, but like I said, I have no degree in this.



For two GTX 295's the most safe thing would be to go with a 1000watt PSU.


and BTW that Corsair is quite expensive for it's wattage.

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