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Cases With Psu On Bottom Vs. Top.


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So I am looking at getting the Coolermaster ATCS 840 Full Tower.


Well the PSU is on the bottom, which I really like and I am not sure why yet.

But I was thinking about this from a heating/cooling perspective.


But hot air raises, so wouldn't the PSU being on the bottom heat up my PCI/Video cards more?


I am actually just concerned about the video card since I don't really think I will have any PCI cards in this thing.


I guess I never thought of it, but the idea of have the PSU on top was great when you added the blowhole all that heat should dissipate right out.

Just wonder if I am missing anything?


Does anyone use the cases with the PSU on bottom and really like it?



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Yeah recently its been popular for companies to put the PSU on the bottom now. I know some cases separate the PSU chamber from the motherboard chamber and that helps; but I think it is all about the fans really.


Many PSUs don't have really great fans, so I think the cooling advantage is swapping the PSU on the top that acts as a mediocre outtake fan, and replacing it with just a fan.


If you look at the SilverStone FT01, Thermaltake Spedo, and Cooler Master HAF 932 they all have bottom PSUs and have the best cooling results. Granted this is from only one source/review, but I think the review is done well and the charts are nice.


check it out... http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2008/12/0...maltake-spedo/5

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i use the coolermaster cm690... its cool.. and i think its not going to effect the graphics card bcoz the the air is sucked in the power supply only and blow hot air aout of the power supply right?

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My psu sits on bottom and the 120 on top sucks air in from the case and blows the hot air out the back. I dont think it produces enough heat inside the case to affect any components.

Edited by FUZi0N

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i think the power supply on the bottom, replaced with better fans on top (since hot air rises and the psu fan probably isn't generally that spectacular compared to some other options on the market) is a much better situation...


i think any heat produced by the power supply affecting the video card, etc, is going to be negligible since they all should have their own fans and your system should have plenty of airflow keeping the hot air out of the case in general...again, especially with the better fans on top pushing out the rising hot air as opposed to what is most likely a weaker power supply fan...


if you have good fans on top, this is an excellent way to go i think :)

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I have not seen any difference temperature wise and air is sucked into the PSU so that would explain why it doesn't change anything.


The only issue can be cable length, especially for the 8 pin CPU power but CM provides an extension.

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I built my own case (plexiglass) back in Dec 04 and one of the first things I did was design in the PSU on the bottom. A few reasons why. First, anything tall and skinny tends not to survive well when you place something heavy at or near the top. The laws of physics will catch up to you one day or another. The other is as others stated. Having your PSU sucking in heat generated from your CPU,Mobo,and Video Card(s) isnt very efficient. With a divider and moving air in both cavities the cooling becomes more efficient. At least to my level of logic.


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I can see the point with a divider to channel the heat, thats a great idea. Seems I have seen some cases though that just have the PSU on the bottom and no divider, that is the ones that I see really no advantage to...

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