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Can't Even Boot At Stock Settings Now!

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So maybe some people remember my problem here where I thought I had a power supply issue because my computer would shut down while playing some older games.


Well, I've had my Q6600 clocked at 3.0ghz for a while, and then one day, it just wouldn't boot up. So I set it to stock settings and was able to boot. It ran fine until the next time I booted up my computer, I again, could not boot, so I lowered it to below stock settings (239x9=2.15ghz). Now, I've tried clocking my Q6600 back up to stock using the overclocking software that comes with my board, and I can get it to run Prime95 stable at stock, but when I try to reboot my computer, I can't get it to POST.


I'm not sure what's going on with this thing, but I'm about ready to throw it out the nearest window, unless someone else has any ideas.

Edited by malmsteenisgod

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You might have damaged it. :( At which voltage were you running it?


I've had my CPU at 1.35V (the VID is 1.325). I don't think it's damaged, it's just a piece of crap board. After reading this page I've kind of given up all hope on this board. Never going with Intel again for a motherboard.


I've heard a lot of people talk about how much of a pain it is to overclock on this board, but there have been a few reports of success on this thing. I guess it just takes time to work with.

Edited by malmsteenisgod

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I've had my CPU at 1.35V (the VID is 1.325). I don't think it's damaged, it's just a piece of crap board. After reading this page I've kind of given up all hope on this board. Never going with Intel again for a motherboard.


I've heard a lot of people talk about how much of a pain it is to overclock on this board, but there have been a few reports of success on this thing. I guess it just takes time to work with.


If you like overclocking, then the P45 would probably be the best for you.

Maybe get one and see if it works?

Also I wouldn't get Intel motherboards, rather go with MSI,Gigabyte,DFI, or Asus.

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doesnt matter if it was stock voltage if you are at 3ghz the q6600 runs at about 50-60c with a good cooler. 65c is the max before it get damaged, you could have cooked the chip.

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If you like overclocking, then the P45 would probably be the best for you.

Maybe get one and see if it works?

Also I wouldn't get Intel motherboards, rather go with MSI,Gigabyte,DFI, or Asus.


I really wish I knew that before I bought this thing lol. Next time I definitely will get something.


In other news, I finally got it to boot at stock, and even with a slight overclock. In the past, I've never been able to use my BIOS to raise my FSB, not sure why it just wouldn't increase, only decrease. So I always had to use the software that Intel includes to overclock. So just now I went into my BIOS, and...I was able to increase my FSB, I was going to go to 267, but I accidentally passed it, and then realized it wouldn't let me decrease it. Whatever Intel. This is the most finicky and unstable piece I've ever encountered.


I guess I'll just stick it out with this board, unless someone wants to buy it off me! xD

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I really wish I knew that before I bought this thing lol. Next time I definitely will get something.


In other news, I finally got it to boot at stock, and even with a slight overclock. In the past, I've never been able to use my BIOS to raise my FSB, not sure why it just wouldn't increase, only decrease. So I always had to use the software that Intel includes to overclock. So just now I went into my BIOS, and...I was able to increase my FSB, I was going to go to 267, but I accidentally passed it, and then realized it wouldn't let me decrease it. Whatever Intel. This is the most finicky and unstable piece I've ever encountered.


I guess I'll just stick it out with this board, unless someone wants to buy it off me! xD


I'll buy it.

For 2 dollars :)

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doesnt matter if it was stock voltage if you are at 3ghz the q6600 runs at about 50-60c with a good cooler. 65c is the max before it get damaged, you could have cooked the chip.

Even if the chip stays at low temperatures, voltage can damage it. I would have been surprised that he used a high voltage for 3GHz, but we never know. New Q6600s are less likely to OC as far as the old steppings.


But definitely, 1.35V is not a dangerous voltage at all.


I agree on the conversation that then it might be the board.

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you can partially corrupt the BIOS when overclocking... try and get it as stable as possible, like the underclock you were talking about, and reflash the BIOS


if you flash the BIOS when the board is unstable, you could make it not work at all... so you'd have to be sure of the stability (like Prime stable in Windows, then reboot, flash in DOS)

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Well, first and foremost, when you say you can't get it to POST, what kind of symptoms does it have? Are the fans turning? Are the LEDs lit? I guess it restarts by itself?


That might give some hints about the source.

Edited by The Smith

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doesnt matter if it was stock voltage if you are at 3ghz the q6600 runs at about 50-60c with a good cooler. 65c is the max before it get damaged, you could have cooked the chip.

I doubt 65c has hurt it either, I have 9 Q6600s that have been running overclocked full load 24/7/365 for I know at least a year, some of them more with temps as high as 68c to 70c at times on some of them...

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