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Got a heck of a deal today. Picked up a brand new Cloumbia Sportswaer Double Whammy parka (MSRP $190) for $5!!! Tis worth checkin out the thrift stores once in a while. :thumbsup:

Edited by kyfire

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Well, managed to find 4 of the 2007FP monitors locally, so looks like i will have a PPLPP setup with my 30 inch (bulk pricing made it only $80 bucks more than buying two of them, so why the hell not? :biggrin: )


Should pick them up within a week, will only be running PLP till my main rig is back :cry:





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Yet another NexStar 3 external enclosure. $35. I took the 1.5 TB drive out of my main rig when I sold it to buy a laptop, and it just sat around in a box, so I figured I'd have another external HD. You can never have too much storage. :lol:


Now I've got my 750 gb laptop, 1.5 tb external, 400 gb external and 3x 640 gb externals. Almost 4.6 tb of storage. :whistling:

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Out with the old 2004 Sunfire and in with the Brand New Elantra GT :evilgrin:


Only problem with brand new models is that there are no mods out yet for them. Sucks, im going to have to wait like 6 months before anything good is out for it.

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Out with the old 2004 Sunfire and in with the Brand New Elantra GT :evilgrin:


Only problem with brand new models is that there are no mods out yet for them. Sucks, im going to have to wait like 6 months before anything good is out for it.


Congrats man. :cheers:


You could put springs on it (depends how low you'd like to go) and get a small drop to make it look better and handle a bit better too.

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Not really on screens, no, but those are some nice looking speakers, what are they?


Fostex PM0.5 - and I've got the sub under the desk. They're pretty cheap compared to other pro level active monitors - I'd really like a pair of Genelec 8240aDSP but I don't have $3200aus!


(Edit for Aussie dollarswink.gif)

Edited by suchuwato

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Out with the old 2004 Sunfire and in with the Brand New Elantra GT :evilgrin:


Only problem with brand new models is that there are no mods out yet for them. Sucks, im going to have to wait like 6 months before anything good is out for it.


What made you choose the GT over the other Elantra models? I've been trying to decide between the Coupe and GT, but can't figure out which would be the better option. Curious to hear why you picked it.

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