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My Thermalright Trad2 Results - Single Card

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Ok here are the results with a single HD4870 with Thermalright Trad 2 and 2x http://www.scythe-usa.com/product/acc/035/...l12_detail.html running @ 2000rpm. QUIET****


Single Card 4870:


Idle: 36c

Load: 49c (30 Minutes full Load on GPU)


On my other card setup as a single config i got:


Idle: 39c

Load: 52c


Im not sure why the temps are different but its not much and could be related to pretty much anything but anyhow, Its quite good and it doesnt take up anymore room than the stock cooler so i got lower temps and hassle free Crossfire!!





Without fans: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c11/smak...57/Image011.jpg

With fans: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c11/smak...57/Image012.jpg

Top Down view from dual slot Grill: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c11/smak...57/Image013.jpg

Side view from top: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c11/smak...57/Image014.jpg

The Cards in Crossfire + Trad2: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c11/smak...57/Image015.jpg

Edited by jackbrennan2008

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nice temp drop...makes me want to get a new gpu and heatsink now heh.


off topic but is your bottom card flexed??? like....a LOT? or is that just some optical illusion?


To me it LOOKS like it has a 40lb weight on the back corner the way it's flexed :lol:

Its straight, its just not screwed down :lol:

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Let me tell you all right now! its all just a pointless watste of time and money! i bought 2 of these trad-2's for my new x48 system i got 2 4870 512s and needed these coolers for the crossfire(this is why i upgraded in the first place).


anyways, they get so hot with-out having fans attached to the front, and u have to skrew around cutting off old 4-pin molexs from your stock cooler and soldering(thats unless you want a case full of untidey wires ect).




and then u can only put one on the card ect, ect. as there is only one molex



so even with my cooler master case with 4x 120's on the side option, it still isn't enough to keep those t-rads cool.



so by the time you have spent up buying sythe 92 fans ect ect, your still running down that runway to take off!.


noise and cost and for what kind of performance increase?.


If anybody has any info or help, just tell me, as when i touched the fins on the t-rad 2(just putting on the op-system, no 3d)


It burnt my finger!


so if your thinking of a non fan set up, these t-rads are held to close to the card and mem heat sinks for it to be a effective soloution to our 4870 crossfire deal here people.


i have a desk fan blowing in there @ the moment untill i work this out some how.


conclusion: set aside they do look cool as F$#K, there F%$king usless! @ this point in time



now, let me go back to working out the OC for my e8400 on msi x48 platinum with my corsair ddr3 1600 with that desk fan blowing in my ear ole, get back to me dorksters i need y'all.


Maybe some one with a brain will make a silent fan system with the VGA 4 pin molex that we can just skrew on nice and neat and give these t-rad 2's the airflow they need to be a viable crossfire cooling method.


for a single card, the AC s1 is the best gig, price, holds away from the card nice and looks cool,

Edited by caliconotts

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1st: Trad wasnt designed to be a passive solution - Do your homework!

2nd: Your buying the wrong fans if yours are noisy, the scythe fan are as silent as they come! Im a proud owner of an enthusiast PC with next to Silent operation!

3rd: The Cooling performance is exeptional all you have to do is look at my figures. The crossfire temps are exeptional aswell there is only about a 5c difference between the top and bottom card which is super!


The performance boost comes from overclocking the cards, granted you can buy an expensive Watercooling solution for both Xfire cards and it will increase your OC but for air cooling a Xfire configuration this is the top dog as of now. You really should have known these were not designed as a passive cooling solution...


BTW: If you wanted an all in one no mess solution you should look at http://www.driverheaven.net/reviews.php?reviewid=604 doesnt cool aswell but its Xfire compatible and a breeze to install.

Edited by jackbrennan2008

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1st: Trad wasnt designed to be a passive solution - Do your homework!

2nd: Your buying the wrong fans if yours are noisy, the scythe fan are as silent as they come! Im a proud owner of an enthusiast PC with next to Silent operation!

3rd: The Cooling performance is exeptional all you have to do is look at my figures. The crossfire temps are exeptional aswell there is only about a 5c difference between the top and bottom card which is super!


The performance boost comes from overclocking the cards, granted you can buy an expensive Watercooling solution for both Xfire cards and it will increase your OC but for air cooling a Xfire configuration this is the top dog as of now. You really should have known these were not designed as a passive cooling solution...


BTW: If you wanted an all in one no mess solution you should look at http://www.driverheaven.net/reviews.php?reviewid=604 doesnt cool aswell but its Xfire compatible and a breeze to install.

Edited by caliconotts

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1st: Trad wasnt designed to be a passive solution - Do your homework!

2nd: Your buying the wrong fans if yours are noisy, the scythe fan are as silent as they come! Im a proud owner of an enthusiast PC with next to Silent operation!

3rd: The Cooling performance is exeptional all you have to do is look at my figures. The crossfire temps are exeptional aswell there is only about a 5c difference between the top and bottom card which is super!


The performance boost comes from overclocking the cards, granted you can buy an expensive Watercooling solution for both Xfire cards and it will increase your OC but for air cooling a Xfire configuration this is the top dog as of now. You really should have known these were not designed as a passive cooling solution...


BTW: If you wanted an all in one no mess solution you should look at http://www.driverheaven.net/reviews.php?reviewid=604 doesnt cool aswell but its Xfire compatible and a breeze to install.


no im not feeling you at all, when i saw the pictures online in a forum and read about these coolers, it was reported to me that, by- eyes sight and by reading that these still could be used with-out fans, just not to the same kind of effect but still usable with-out damaging the GPU ect.


hot to touch is not any good with out the fans and, remeber i have 4= 120 fans blowing right onto those coolers from the side, this is having very little effect to the temps.


so what your saying is that a sythe skinny fan, like a karma or a kaze, x1 is going to keep these fans quiet and cool?


and you quote that and provide me with photos and screen shots of ccc temps




second to that, it only seems right now that only the top card is getting hot, how do i know that crossfire is working, the box is checked but ccc says that card two is disabled?, does it only kick in when going into 3d apps?.

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