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Reached 3.8ghz With My E8400!


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up until yesterday, i didn't know how i could overcome the 1600MHz (quad pumped) FSB barrier that my motherboard imposed, but i did some reading and decided to overvolt the NB and i was finally able to get a stable OC over my previous 3.6GHz.


i had a semi-stable OC at 3.75GHz before, but it wouldn't pass any Orthos or prime test i threw at it. but now this 3.8GHz is Orthos stable for at least half an hour (i didn't feel it was necessary for my own usage to test it further...)


my temps are 39-40C idle and 54C load, which i feel is pretty good. (feel free to disagree)


so here's a CPU-z screenshot, and i'm going to do a quick restart so i can see what the core voltages are (lol i've slept since i set them)


:D :D :D


EDIT: vcore is at 1.375v and NB is at 1.38v


so... comments?


Edited by turophiliac

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Shoot for 4GHz

lol, i knew someone would say that. as i am no stranger to boasting about what i got, i'm not really comfortable putting that much voltage into my cpu. its the only one i have and i'm not looking forward to buying a new one anytime soon. lol that said, it'll be a while before i'm comfortable to go higher.

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lol, i knew someone would say that. as i am no stranger to boasting about what i got, i'm not really comfortable putting that much voltage into my cpu. its the only one i have and i'm not looking forward to buying a new one anytime soon. lol that said, it'll be a while before i'm comfortable to go higher.


There really is so much bull crap talked about Vcore and 45nm cpu's. You are more than safe on air up to at least 1.35Vcore, personally i think 1.4Vcore is safe. The important thing as far as cpu safety is concerned, is to keep VTT as low as you can (below 1.33v) and don't increase PLL voltage at all. If you keep within those perameters, your cpu will last well past your next upgrade.

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There really is so much bull crap talked about Vcore and 45nm cpu's. You are more than safe on air up to at least 1.35Vcore, personally i think 1.4Vcore is safe. The important thing as far as cpu safety is concerned, is to keep VTT as low as you can (below 1.33v) and don't increase PLL voltage at all. If you keep within those perameters, your cpu will last well past your next upgrade.

:withstupid: I got mine up to 4.113GHz @ 1.45. I wouldn't suggest running any higher for 24/7 use however.

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hmm, thanks kit, i'll have to check the VTT, as i've never messed with it or the PLL, not exactly sure what they do though.

yeah, i've actually never done any overclocking before this rig, so i never had any preconceived notions about vcore before, i just did what i read other people were doing...


so, if anyone can answer me this, will my cpu last longer with a lower voltage or with lower temperatures. basically, is life expectancy weighted more heavily on low temps or low volts?

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will my cpu last longer with a lower voltage or with lower temperatures. basically, is life expectancy weighted more heavily on low temps or low volts?


Both, but lower Vcore will increase it further. The real question should be "will it last at it's maximum clock until my next upgrade". If the answer is yes, then go with the maximum clock.

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Both, but lower Vcore will increase it further. The real question should be "will it last at it's maximum clock until my next upgrade". If the answer is yes, then go with the maximum clock.

Lol, but really the answer to that is a total guess, people rarely blow up cpu's (although phil has killed 2 lol) and technology changes far too quickly for anyone to study it properly.

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lol, i knew someone would say that. as i am no stranger to boasting about what i got, i'm not really comfortable putting that much voltage into my cpu. its the only one i have and i'm not looking forward to buying a new one anytime soon. lol that said, it'll be a while before i'm comfortable to go higher.

I have been running mine at 4ghz with just less than 1.4v

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